Public procurements

Public procurements

© Photo: Archive PIN

Brief Information about the Procuring Entity

Člověk v tísni, o. p. S. (People in Need n.p.o.)

Šafaříkova 635/24

120 00 Prague 2

Tel: +420 778 498 314


ID No.: 25 75 52 77

Tax ID No.: CZ 25 75 52 77

Procuring Entity profile ID on the Public Tender Noticeboard (VVZ): 223933

Procuring Entity profile address:

Procuring Entity general address:

Notice for Suppliers

Dear Suppliers,

We would like to announce that as of 12 September 2014 we are using our profile on the Tendr Market public administration electronic marketplace under number Z00000995.

Profile address:

Notice in .pdf format

Ongoing International Tenders

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