© Photo: ee dialog

Belarus ranks among the least free countries in the world. Its police, judiciary, and other legislative and executive bodies are entirely under the control of the dictatorial regime of Alexander Lukashenko. In the aftermath of the fraudulent presidential election in 2020, widescale protests erupted throughout the country.

This manifestation of democracy prompted brutal crackdowns and repression against civil society that continues to this day. Activists are falsely accused of organising public unrest, insulting public officials, planning extremist actions, and violence against members of the security forces. Over a thousand non-violent protesters have been sentenced to prison and are considered political prisoners. This number, together with the hundreds of thousands of activists who were forced to leave the country in fear (or in the aftermath) of persecution, is ever-growing.

Nowadays, our activities take place outside of the country, supporting relocated activists, journalists, and human rights defenders in their continuing fight for a democratic Belarus.

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