Liberec Region
The Liberec branch of People in Need, focusing on social interaction programmes, was established in 2002 after several field workers started operating in Liberec. We first started operations in Chrastava, Mimoň, Liberec and Nové Město pod Smrkem. At the very beginning of our engagement it became clear that field programmes alone were not sufficient for the inhabitants of this region and therefore we have tried to enlarge our scope of services.
Supporting adults
Currently we operate individual and family consultations and provide debt advice primarily in Liberec, Hrádek nad Nisou, Frýdlant, Ralsko and Nové Město pod Smrkem. Most often we help in dealing with problems concerning housing, employment, debts and helping in communication with the authorities. Since 2016 we have started engaging in resocialisation programmes for adults with a criminal past.
Supporting children
A great deal of our effort is dedicated to children and young people. For the youngest we run two pre-school clubs (Liberec, Ploužnice) where the children get ready for a successful start to their primary education. We also offer individual tutoring for those who already attend school, but for various reasons need support. For the older children we have a career guidance service. In addition to this, we run a low-threshold club for children and youths in Kraslice which offers a safe place not only for spending free time, but it is a place for dealing with personal matters or doing homework for school.
Our office addresses:
- Tatranská 597, Liberec III-Jeřáb
Václavská 471, Hrádek nad Nisou
Jindřichovická 146, Nové Město pod Smrkem
Děkanská 74, Frýdlant