Migration Awareness
NewsThe Migration Awareness Department focuses on the issue of migration and the life of foreigners in the Czech Republic. The department aims to provide the public with objective information about the topics of migration and integration, to break down negative stereotypes about migrants and foreigners, and to contribute to the successful integration of migrants and foreigners into Czech society today.
The department works with journalists and supports various media outlets obtain a range of diverse and reliable sources of information relating to the issues of migration. Additionally, it strives to raise awareness among the public and government officials about any challenges that may impede the successful integration of foreigners into society. The Migration Awareness Department also works directly with migrants in order to support their efforts relating to effective communication with the media and with the public. Through normal interactions with ordinary Czech citizens, participation in extracurricular activities and involvement in public discussions, we encourage foreigners to control their own narratives and help shape the perception of them in Czech media.
The Migration Awareness Department is a part of People in Need’s educational programme Varianty.
But what do we do, exactly?
- We work closely with journalists and facilitate introductions between them and experts on the topic of migration or with migrants themselves.
- We conduct analytical studies in the field of migration and integration. We are a member of a team of 15 organisations currently working on the research project National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM). The project looks at the integration policies of different EU member states for applicants and holders of international protection in theory vs practice. Another example of our work is our analysis titled Expressions of hate in cyberspace and on social networks (available in Czech) which describes the socio-demographic profile hate speech disseminators present in online discussions (2015).
- We organise public events and seminars for journalists, journalism students, as well as middle and high school teachers.
- As a member of the Consortium of Migrants Assisting Organizations and PICUM (Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants), we advocate for systemic changes and share our experiences with other like-minded organisations.