How we manage our finances

How we manage our finances

© Photo: Archive PIN
Are you interested in our financial resources and expenditures on the individual types of aid? The graphs below offer a basic overview of our financial resources and 2022 budget. All the graphs are accompanied by a description of how we used the funds collected.
A general overview of all financial resources and budgets can be found in our annual reports. More detailed information can also be found in a report in the IATI data standard containing our organisation’s humanitarian aid and development cooperation activities.
We always update audited data for the previous year in June of the following year, along with the annual report. 

The utilisation of the funds (€ 238.6 m)

Humanitarian and development aid (€ 196.5 m)
Human rights (€ 6.5 m)
Social work and Counselling in the Czech Republic (€ 10.7 m)
Education and Awareness in the Czech Republic (€ 4 m)

Overview of the sources of financing (€ 238.7 m)

Utilisation of funds (€238.6 million)

Most of our overall expenditures of € 238,635,643 in 2022 were used primarily for humanitarian aid and development, followed by social work and consultancy, human rights programmes, and education. Approximately 9% of the overall costs were expended for support, the central overhead, property management, fundraising, donor care, and other operating activities. The most complete information concerning the utilisation of the funds and our work can be found in our Annual Report.

Humanitarian and development aid (€ 196.5 million)

Within humanitarian and development aid, we helped approximately 4.4 million people in 27 countries. Examples of the help we provided include:

  • Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, we helped in places where it was necessary to secure the basic necessities of life for people living in war. In the first four months, we dispatched 17 trains and 66 lorries with a total of 7,423 pallets of humanitarian aid. Since the beginning of the invasion, we have helped to repair 21,397 homes damaged by bombardment. We also support non-governmental and community organisations, within whom we have over 200 local partners in Ukraine. We have provided aid to more than one million people since February 2022. An enormous wave of solidarity rose in connection with the war; € 87.1 million was collected within the SOS Ukraine emergency appeal. Besides the most urgent needs, aid was also provided for long-term renovation and development of war-affected regions in Ukraine.

Look how we helped in homes damaged by bombardment:

  • We have provided humanitarian aid and war refugee help in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Türkiye, Ethiopia, Armenia, Myanmar and Syria, which were hit by several natural disasters. We distributed 1,122,348 monthly food rations.
  • We worked on securing subsistence and resilience in Angola, Ethiopia, Zambia, and Moldova, where we supported farmers in their battle against new climatic obstacles to help them secure long-term harvests.

We helped local people in Angola better cultivate their soil:

  • Within civic society and inclusive governance, we supported people in ten countries worldwide, including Angola, Armenia and the Philippines. We support civic society in Georgia, which helps refugees newly arriving from Ukraine.
  • In the Czech Republic, we continued to support the tornado-hit Břeclav and Hodonín Districts, where we are working on renovating orchards and increasing resilience against climate change influences within the project LIFE WILL – Water in Soil and Landscape. We have provided over €638,000 to more than 500 families.

The individual expenditures are quantified in the graph below:

Human rights (€ 6.5 million)

We support people who are persecuted due to their defence of human rights and freedoms. We regularly visit important institutions, present our expert analyses at international conferences and meet important politicians and personages in this country and abroad.

Human Rights Department’s activities in 2022 (click for a better view):

In 2022, we backed 194 projects and grants of various forms, types of focus and financial volumes.

We provided direct legal, medical, financial and relocation help to 776 human rights defenders in 18 countries, including activists, journalists, bloggers and lawyers. We provided psychosocial help to 668 people, and 385 were relocated to secure places.  

Social work and Counselling in the Czech Republic  (€ 10.7 million)

In the Czech Republic, long-term cooperation has been established with local self-governing authorities. We provide debt consultancy in six regions and a broader scale of social and educational services in seven more. Our debt helpline was called by 21,730 people. You can meet us in person at 75 locations across the Czech Republic.

We helped people find jobs and affordable housing. We also distribute food packages for people from both the Czech Republic and Ukraine. Altogether, 70,900 people used one or more of our services.

Our Ukrainian helpline was used by 8,419 people, and we helped another 223,597 Ukrainian refugees together with 114 friendly organisations supported by our SOS Ukraine emergency appeal funds.

The arrival of Ukrainian refugees brought new challenges concerning the education of Ukrainian children. We launched adaptation groups and extended lessons and ensured that children had leisure time activities and the equipment needed for studying.

Map: help for Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic

Education and Awareness in the Czech Republic (€ 4 million)

We organise courses and workshops for teachers and assistants on global themes, active citizenship, and joint education. We have organised over 300 workshops, webinars, and course meetings for teachers, parents and children.

See how we showed residents how to combat drought in the Czech Republic:

We organised Czech language courses for Ukrainian teachers and assistants. We provided psychosocial help and catch-up lessons, both online and in person, to Ukrainian children.

People watched over 115,000 documentary films on, and over 95,000 educational materials were downloaded.

The human rights festival One World occurred in 25 towns and attracted more than 13,000 spectators.

Overall overview of our sources of financing (€ 238.7 million)

Our primary sources of income included funding from the European Union, foreign governments and United Nations agencies, the Czech Republic’s state budget and donations from individuals and companies. In 2022, we collected collected € 238,726,816  from these sources. 

Types of income

Foreign government funds

In recent years, the most significant contributions to our budget have come from foreign governments, and sources redistributed following their guidelines by foundations and professional entities. This group includes the United States Agency for International Development USAID, the British Foreign Office and Commonwealth FCDO and the Swiss, Canadian, and German governments, among others.

EU funds

European Union funds also provide a substantial part of our budget. These resources include funds directly from the EU funds and funds gathered via implementing agencies such as DG ECHO, DG INTPA, etc.

UN agencies

We have long-term cooperation established with most United Nations agencies, particularly UNOCHA – United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, UNICEF – United Nations Children’s Fund, UNDP – United Nations Development Programme and UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Income from individuals and companies

This group includes the revenues of public fundraising campaigns and donations from individuals and companies.

Funds from the Czech Government and from self-governing authorities

This group of sources includes subsidies and public commissions from all entities that redistribute funds within the Czech Republic, including contributions from local self-governing authorities.

Own revenue

Our own revenue represents the profit from the organisation’s activities, including exchange rate revenue, insurance pay-outs, revenue from the sale of the organisation’s own products, revenue from the One World film festival, revenue from the Langhans Centre, etc.

Foundations and non-governmental organisations

We have established long-term cooperation with numerous foundations and large non-profit organisations in the Czech Republic and abroad. The most important entities that finance particular projects include ACTED, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and the GCP Foundation.

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