The Prague branch of People in Need’s Social Integration Programme has been operating since 1999. For more than 10 years we have been providing clients consultations, field social work, educational programmes and many other services. Our services are available across the entire capital city. The Prague branch has two offices, one in Smíchov, Prague 5 and one Karlín, Prague 8. We try to be as close as possible to the people who need our services.
At least once a week in both offices we have a “free reception”, which is an all-day-long opportunity to come and talk about any difficulties and issues, even without an appointment.
Main office: Vltavská 24, Prague 5 – Smíchov
Subsidiary office: Vítkova 154/24, Prague 8
Supporting children
We devote a large part of our energy to children and young people. For the youngest of them, we run a pre-school club, where we prepare them for a successful entry to elementary school. For those who already attend school and for various reasons need support, we offer individual or group tutoring. This is possible only thanks to the time and energy of our volunteers, who are an indispensable part of our team. We also have career guidance for young people who are finishing elementary school and choosing a secondary school.
Supporting adults
Helping people who find themselves in deprived social situations and escape on their own forms the core of our work. Within our individual consultation service, we offer help to people looking for a place to live, we also offer employment counselling, help in communicating with the authorities, etc. To help people escape the debt trap, we offer debt advice.