Olomouc Region
We established our first branch in the Olomouc Region in Prostějov in 2001, while the regional branch was not officially established until 2007. Since then, we have gradually expanded our services to other towns. Currently we help in the Olomouc, Přerov, Prostějov and Jeseník areas. We operate in places where adverse conditions manifest themselves in high unemployment, a lack of suitable housing and high level of debt. An important aspect of our work is to give support to children and young people, to whom we offer a wide spectrum of educational services.
Assisting children
We dedicate a great deal of effort to children and young people. For the youngest we run a pre- school club in Přerov where the children prepare for a successful start of their primary education. We also offer individual tutoring for those who already attend school and are, for various reasons, in need of support. For young people who are about to leave primary school and enter some sort of secondary school, we offer a career guidance service.
Assisting adults
The essence of our work is to give support to people in difficult life situations that they are not able to cope with themselves. In the course of individual consultations, we provide help with finding housing, job-hunting advice and help in communication with the authorities. In addition to this, we run a community service here in Přerov and Prostějov areas. Our family consultation service offers comprehensive services for families with children that can help them solve relationship problems, complex life situations as well as organising leisure time activities. We also offer debt advice which can help people to get out of debt traps. In the course of re-socialization programmes we try to support the individuals who leave the gates of detention centres in their successful return to everyday life.