Thanks to them can we help
You ask, we answer.
Legal details, management structure
When you are looking for contact, information and media materials
Annual overview of our work
Information for contractors
Disaster relief, support and systematic development
Civil society support and assistance to the persecuted
Children and adult help, debt counselling, teacher support
Courses and materials for teachers and students, human rights films
Human rights films
Courses and webinars for teachers and students
Educational materials and films for teachers and students
Online portal for playing human rights films
Data on migration and the lives of foreigners in the Czech Republic
Take a look at our e-library
What's going on, what's ahead of us, and what can we do about it?
Have a coffee with firends, attend inspiring events, relax
Olomoucký kraj
Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic
European structural and investment funds, OP Research, Development and Education
Lipník nad Bečvou
Norway grants
Operational Programme Employment
Přerov City
The Statutory City Of Olomouc