System Changes
We do our best to formulate and make recommendations for decision makers based on the experiences that we gain primarily from our collaboration with educators and also with university, government and non-government institutions and, equally importantly, with parents.
We have been supporting the implementation of the amended Education Act effective since 2016 that brought more finances to schools to cover assistance for certain children. The amendment did not cause the disintegration of the Czech educational system, no massive transfer of children from “Special Schools” to ordinary schools took place. Parents had had that option available to them even before the Act came into effect and it proved that most of those who wished to take advantage of this possibility had already previously done so.
In cooperation with the Palacký University Olomouc and with other partners we have proposed supporting measures and other methodological materials for teachers and teaching assistants, including proposing a Working Standard for teaching assistants.
We were involved in preparations for a Strategy for Global Development Education and Awareness of Global Contexts for the period 2018 – 2030, compiled and approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and shared with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic. The Strategy places an emphasis on critical understanding of global contexts and effective integration of global development topics into formal and also informal education. The Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030 is the main point of departure for the Strategy.
We support cross-cutting topics as an important component to curricular documentation and recommend maintaining and integrating them throughout the curriculum. We are involved in work on a draft revision of cross-cutting topics in global development education that would also incorporate intercultural education.
We participate in discussion and consultation regarding preparations for an educational strategy and documents in the field of education (e.g. Educational Policy Strategy of the Czech Republic until 2030+).