Career guidance Prague

Praha: Career guidance

© Photo: Archive PIN

People in Need provides career guidance for young people who are looking for support in their studies. Our main aim is to extend their “education career” beyond the compulsory minimum of 9 years of schooling. Ideally, we aim to formally increase the young people’s qualifications so that they are more likely to find a job in the labour market. 

This may involve acquiring a trade certificate, a school leaving certificate or even a university degree, but what is important to us is gaining a qualification that will ensure a successful future in the labour market. When providing our service, we maintain an individual approach that enables us to fully utilise each person’s potential.

For some families that we work with, education is often financially challenging. If a student fulfils our conditions (good grades + attendance), he can be awarded a retro-scholarship. This is a financial reward that is paid out after every year-end school report and should help to cover school materials, transportation fees, lunches etc.

Services provided:

Career guidance

Capacity: 10 – 15 people

Age: 15 – 26 years of age

A career advisor concentrates on motivating young people to pursue and continue in their education and ultimately to be successful in the labour market. The advisor works with each client individually, organises themed workshops at secondary and primary schools, tries to combine career guidance with free-time activities, coordinates the retro-scholarships and provides basic advice with choosing a school and other possibilities in education.

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Mentoring is part of the educational services in Prague. As part of the mentoring service, a teenage child meets once a week with their mentor, one of our volunteers, and spends time outside the home through various leisure and educational activities. This helps the young person to get out of their normal social bubble, broaden their horizons and ultimately build a relationship with their mentor. The mentor is an equal partner who provides a space for sharing, advice and can become a positive inspiration.

We focus on children and adolescents who are losing motivation to work on themselves, who are looking for something to enjoy in life, who don't know how to do it themselves, and whose surroundings are unable to help them. The purpose of mentoring is to work with the client's potential, strengthen their social skills and develop their self-esteem. By spending time together, the young person gets to know new places, gains new contacts and experiences.

The service is offered in the city of Prague. The key worker here is the mentoring coordinator, who is in charge of both the client and the volunteer. Appointments can be arranged in the office or at the client's home.

Capacity: 16 clients

Age: 12-26 years

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