Plzeň Region: Debt advice
Our debt advisors in Plzeň help people defend themselves against the unethical behaviour of some companies providing financial services. We try to motivate people to be active in solving their situation. We help in resolving problems relating to distraint, writing bankruptcy petitions and dealing with necessary paperwork. Our advisors gather essential information from publicly accessible sources, provide special consultations which aim to raise the client’s awareness of the rights and obligations connected to his or her case.
An example of this is the large quantity of unlawful distraint cases, often recovering debts that constitute usury, and the debtors are often unaware that they can defend themselves. Consultations take place on the premises of our branch, or else a meeting in the client’s household may be arranged.
Services provided:
Debt advice
Capacity: 1 advisor to 10 people
Age: no restriction
Our debt advisors conduct initial monitoring of the client’s situation, contact the bankruptcy administrator or court, help to arrange legal aid, make sure the client meets all the important deadlines, assist in merging individual distraint cases into one and try to halt distraint proceedings if conducted on the basis of now abolished arbitration clauses.
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