Karlovy Vary Region: Tutoring
At our branch in Karlovy Vary, we provide two types of tutoring – individual and in a group. We used to offer our individual tutoring only in the Sokolov area, but in 2016 we expanded to every other branch location in the area (Karlovy Vary, Sokolov, Jáchymov, Nejdek, Chodov). Individual tutoring involves our volunteers visiting children in their own home once a week and helping them with anything they need. We only provide group tutoring in Chodov, where we cooperate with ZŠ Husova.
Our service focuses on children who have problems in school and do not receive sufficient support at home. This is usually due to their parents having just a low level of education, often no more advanced than primary school level.
The aim of our service is not only to prevent the child from failing their year or to improve their grades. The other effects of our tutoring are important, such as increased interest in school, fewer absences and a more active approach in class.
Anyone over 15 years of age can volunteer. You do not have to be experienced, the only thing you need is to like working with children, be reliable and happy to invest 2 hours of your time every week. Apart from tutoring we also organize educational free-time activities, mainly during vacations, where volunteers are more than welcome to join us.
Services provided:
Individual tutoring
Capacity: changes according to number of volunteers
Age: 7 and over
Individual tutoring usually takes place in the child’s home. One parent always has to be present, which is one of the basic obligations he must fulfil. The parent guarantees to maintain peace and quiet at home during tutoring and ideally should also be involved in the tutoring process.
Group tutoring
Capacity: 1 group of 8 children
Age: 7 and over
We provide group tutoring only in Chodov, thanks to the cooperation of the local primary school. It is organised as an after-school tutoring group, where children revise and practise what they have learnt in school. There is also time for fun learning and developing various skills.
ZŠ Husova, Chodov
Tutoring contact information: