Chomutov: Debt advice
People in Need has been providing debt advice in Chomutov since October 2016. The service is provided both in our offices and in the field. Our workers can visit you in your own home or in any other arranged location. We offer advice and support with making important phone calls, correspondence (written and electronic) or, where necessary, we accompany a client to meetings.
We help people defend themselves against the unethical behaviour of some financial service providers. We propose solutions to problems involving distraint and debt discharge by petitioning for bankruptcy. During 5 years of strict bankruptcy regime, you will are required to pay at least 30 % of your total debt.
Services provided:
Debt advice
Capacity: 1 advisor to 10 people
Age: no restriction
Our debt advisors conduct initial monitoring of the client’s situation, contact the bankruptcy administrator or court, help arrange legal aids, make sure the client meets all important dates, assist in merging individual distraint cases into one and try to halt distraint proceedings if conducted on the basis of now abolished arbitration clauses.
Contact details:
Petra Olahová, 777 367 764, petra.olahova@clovekvtisni.cz