Central Bohemian Region
We have been operating in Kladno since 2000, when two of our employees went out into the field in the town for the first time. A team gradually formed around them and became the foundation of the official People in Need branch. The official office was created in 2005 and was located in Fibich street in a former garage. Today you will find us in the Kročehlavy district of Kladno (at No. 1311 Kročehlavská St.). Helping people in difficult life situations is the core of our work while also devoting much of our energy to working with children and young people. At the beginning of 2017, we opened a new office in Beroun.
Click here to find out more about our activities in Beroun:
Supporting children
We run the V Domečku pre-school club for children from 3 to 5 years of age, to prepare them for joining the ordinary educational system. For schoolchildren, we provide after school tutoring, either individually at home, or in a group. This service operates thanks to the work of our volunteers, who regularly visit families that have asked for help, once a week for two hours. For older children we provide career guidance. We have also opened a low-threshold club Križovatka (Crossroads), which organises all kinds of activities, games or workshops.
Supporting adults
Helping people who find themselves in difficult situations but cannot escape by themselves stands at the core of our work. In the course of individual consultations, we offer help to people looking for housing, we also offer employment counselling, help with communicating with authorities, etc. Our family consultation service focuses on comprehensive provision of services that may help solve relationship issues, distressing life situations or organise free-time activities for families with children. To help people escape the debt trap, we offer a debt advice service.