Career guidance
The main purpose of career guidance is to prolong education beyond compulsory schooling. Ideally the goal is for young people to gain higher formal qualifications to make them more employable on the labour market, this may involve getting a vocational diploma, baccalaureate or even higher education. What is important is taking into consideration the practical application of the chosen profession. We approach each person individually, respecting and working with his or her unique skills and unlock their potential.
In our work we proceed in the following manner:
Identification of the client’s motivation and potential
Our career consultants identify the client’s strengths and weaknesses by means of individual consultations and, on the basis of this information, choose a suitable field.
Finding and signing up to a particular field of study
After identifying the ideal field of study, the cooperating consultant and the client compile a list of schools, from which the young person and his or her parents can choose the institution he or she wants to apply to. Then the client must follow the preparatory procedure for successful entry to the school selected, including preparation, entrance exams etc.
Support during studies
A key role of a career consultant is systematic support during secondary school studies. A large proportion of students from disadvantaged environments end their studies in the first couple of months. This is influenced by a number of factors, especially by the fact that studies are no longer compulsory and that continuing to study after elementary school is not the norm in their families. A number of their peers may have part-time jobs or just spend time hanging around outside and, when they see this, many students decide to drop out.
Financial cost
Another factor is the financial considerations linked to studying. Apart from school supplies, there are school lunches and snacks, travel expenses etc. to cover. Everyone should bear these factors in mind before entering school. Consistent preparation may prevent any future failure. Another factor leading to dropping out of school are large gaps in knowledge. The career consultant tries to find these gaps and fix them – for example by arranging for tutoring, which helps avoid potential failure.
One of the main incentives are the individual scholarship programmes offered.
Retro-scholarship programme
With the support of the Albatros foundation, People in Need offers scholarships of up to 12,000 Czech crowns a year to children whose families are unable to give them the support and motivation necessary for education. We provide this scholarship to students with at least one parent who does not have an education higher than primary school level. The main conditions for obtaining the scholarship are regular school attendance, good behaviour and adequate grades. We accept applications from students from the 1st year of secondary school or vocational school, but also students from the last year of primary school.
We also offer a large number of group activities as part of career guidance. This mostly involves workshops at schools, long-term motivational groups with young people and leisure-time activities.
Our workshops are aimed at the issues of education, success in the labour market, prevention of falling into debt or encouraging tolerant co-existence in society. We provide our workshops to primary and secondary schoolchildren. If you are interested, we can organize workshops for any target group (children in children’s homes, educational institutions, clubs etc.).