Educational Programme JSNS (OWIS)
Since 2001 educational programme One World in Schools (Jeden svět na školách) has been contributing to educate responsible young people, who are getting their bearings in today´s world and approach information in an open and critical manner. They are not indifferent, they want to make a difference, and they also want to have an influence on events around them.
Using films, discussions, and learning activities, it brings important topics (focused on human rights, modern Czechoslovak history, media education and many other subjects) and specific stories into schools.
On website JSNS.CZ it provides teachers with attractive audio-visual lessons consisting of documentary movies and methodological materials. The learning materials respond to the situation in society as well as current challenges faced by this country and the world. Teachers and pupils in more than 3,600 primary and secondary schools work with materials provided by One World at Schools. Special emphasis is placed on the practical applicability, therefore the materials are produced in cooperation with teachers.