Climate resilience

Climate resilience

© Photo: Tereza Hronová

Widespread improvements in the quality of life of many of the world’s populations have gone together with increased demands on natural resources. The planet is struggling to keep up, with increases in the average global temperature and the frequency of extreme weather events transforming ecosystems worldwide. Moreover, climate change impacts the world’s vulnerable people the most, many of whom lack the resources to adapt to new climate realities.

Our role in addressing climate change is to enhance the resilience of the people vulnerable to a changing climate and environmental degradation by harnessing solutions that align with green growth and circular economy principles, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and sequestering/storing carbon. In the locations where we work, greenhouse gas emissions per person are significantly lower than the global average. Yet, many of these populations are disproportionately affected by the adverse effects of climate change. Our focus is, therefore, on high-quality adaptation programming with the integration of mitigation where appropriate.

Our main areas of focus are:

Climate resilient food and livelihood systems: here, we take a systems approach to livelihoods to improve food and nutrition security in climate-change vulnerable areas. This approach means analysing the root causes of poverty and nutrition insecurity, using a gender lens to identify the challenges the target group faces, and using a participatory process to identify opportunities and potential solutions. Approaches within this thematic area may include support to diversify livelihoods, such as food processing and marketing, debt relief and establishing links with social protection services, and supporting existing agricultural livelihoods.

Climate resilient WASH: here, technological solutions in climate-change vulnerable (e.g. drought- and flood-prone) areas are supported through enhanced governance and service-provider accountability. The key components of this approach are climate vulnerability assessments incorporating an analysis of GESI dynamics, the application of PIN’s Standards of WASH Programming and the participatory selection of appropriate climate-resilient solutions.

Climate-smart energy solutions: where resilience to climate change is improved through such measures as off-grid solutions, improved energy efficiency to reduce household costs or clean energy technology to reduce household air pollution, and measures that contribute to reducing GHG emissions.

Productive and climate resilient landscapes: here, we address environmental degradation and the climate change-induced changes to the land, water and other resources people depend on for such things as agricultural productivity. Analysing geohazards alongside existing agricultural and livelihood practices is essential to providing a holistic solution that protects communities from the impact of natural disasters. It enhances agricultural productivity, livelihoods, and food security. Our response within this thematic area engages all key stakeholders, and our approaches include Early Warning Systems, Climate Smart Agriculture and Natural Resource Management techniques.

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