Burma/Myanmar: Emergency Response & Recovery

Burma/Myanmar: Emergency Response & Recovery

© Photo: Aye Pyae Sone

Myanmar is facing significant humanitarian challenges due to long-standing armed conflicts, the recent crisis in Rakhine State, massive displacement of vulnerable populations, and the absence of basic services to meet their needs. The country is also highly susceptible to natural disasters. 

In August 2017, Myanmar experienced a dramatic event when the military intervened after an attack on police stations in Rakhine State. The resulting riots led to a humanitarian crisis in which hundreds of people died and sparked the massive displacement of the Rohingya ethnic minority. More than 722,000 people have fled to refugee camps in neighboring Bangladesh, and approximately 200,000 people remain trapped in several areas of Rakhine State without access to food and services. Therefore, since 2017, we have been providing humanitarian assistance to conflict-affected areas of the country. In 2022, we supported more than 150,000 people (directly and indirectly). We provide aid through our staff on the ground and local partner organizations, who are also supported in developing their capacities to work independently in the future. 

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Ongoing aid

Supporting flood-affected people in South-East

Supporting flood-affected people in South-East

Myanmar was severely affected by floods during the monsoon rains in July 2018, the flooding led to the displacement of more than 150,000 people. Rivers flooded entire areas and many villages were covered with more than two meters of water for several days. Many people lost their livelihoods and there was no way to produce or buy food in the area. After careful follow-up from the field, PIN provided humanitarian food aid in Kayin State. In cooperation with local authorities, PIN distributed food kits, which included rice, cooking oil, salt and drinking water to 676 households in 10 remote villages with limited access to relief.
People in Need started its response to distribute seeds among 14,000 households (around 70,000 people) in the most affected areas by the monsoon rains. Using a community-based assessment, the project has the aim of restoring the livelihoods of the targeted farming population and strengthening their food security. The distribution includes fertilizer, seeds of black and green grams and vegetables (white radish, chilli, tomato, carrot, mustard, water spinach and eggplant), as well as awareness on Good Agricultural Practices. 
PIN is implementing a project focusing on rehabilitation and provisions for damaged schools. We provide student kits, teacher kits and contribute to the renovation of schools damaged by floods, to ensure and restore appropriate learning environment.
Humanitarian Aid to Internally Displaced People in Kachin

Humanitarian Aid to Internally Displaced People in Kachin

Together with Kachin Baptist Convention (KBC), PIN is supporting newly displaced civilians who had to flee their homes because of the escalation of armed conflicts in 2018. KBC constructed small-scale WASH infrastructure (emergency latrines with solar lamp, spring catchments, emergency bathing places, hand-washing stations) and three temporary shelters as well as distributed hygiene kits in the IDP camp.
Poverty and lack of livelihood opportunities play a large role in limiting educational access for children. One of the biggest barriers in terms of educational quality is the availability of educational materials. PIN and KBC works on providing fair access to quality education for school aged boys and girls in Kachin state. The action aims to improve teaching and learning processes and create inclusive learning environments that promote the well-being of learners. Students receive school supplies (exercise books, bags, necessary stationery) and classrooms are also equipped with necessary supplies such as white board, duster, marker pen, etc. to improve the quality of the lessons.
Humanitarian Assistance in Rakhine

Humanitarian Assistance in Rakhine

People in Need has been working in Rakhine State since 2012. Originally, PIN focused on supporting civil society organizations and promoting dialogue between members of different ethnic and religious groups. The violence in August 2017 caused hundreds of casualties and resulted in the burning of villages. Over 850,000 people felt unsafe and their fear drove them out of their lands. People in Need together with local partners provided immediate assistance to those forced out of their homes and properties, through food, shelter material and hygiene kits distribution. Nearly 200,000 people remain trapped in villages without adequate access to markets, livelihoods, services and medical care.
Additionally, PIN aims to decrease vulnerabilities and enhance resilience of conflict-affected populations in Minbya Township. To improve access to community based protection services, PIN provides capacity-building workshops on wide-range of protection topics for community members, as well as training and mentoring of community-based protection groups. Small-scale grants are provided to the protection groups for the implementation of protection enhancement projects. Moreover, the action focuses on livelihoods opportunities for the extremely vulnerable female-headed households.

In Northern Rakhine State, PIN supported a local partner in rehabilitation of school infrastructure. This includes overall renovation of the building, rehabilitation of WASH facilities, trainings on the maintenance of WASH-related installations, basic hygiene promotion activities and equipping the schools with basic furniture such as desks, chairs, blackboards and benches. Primary school students receive school kits containing a school bag, school supplies (pencils, pens, sharpener, notebooks, geometry kit) and textbooks.
Currently, in Northern Rakhine State, PIN works on enhanced nutrition security through increased access to adequate quality and quantity of food and improved nutritional practices. Vulnerable households receive kitchen gardening kits and cash grants to purchase small animals. The aid recipients and other interested community members can participate in the training on basic principles of animal husbandry. Moreover, PIN also provides hygiene kits to ensure personal hygiene, health, dignity and well-being and reduce undernutrition and stunting in children.
As Myanmar and specifically communities living in target area of Rakhine State remain highly vulnerable to natural disasters, PIN provided financial support to its local partner organization to implement DRR-focused programming in Ponnagyun Township.
