Angola: Emergency Response & Recovery
In the past decade, the need for global humanitarian assistance and, likewise, the number of people in need has been growing exponentially; this growth is due mainly to the increasing numbers of armed conflicts and protracted crises, severe natural disasters, and the global pandemic alongside the pressures of urbanisation. Furthermore, the high numbers of displaced people, a growing funding gap, difficulties with access to affected populations, and severe protection issues require more investment in global collective humanitarian efforts.
In this context, we aim, alongside our partners, to provide principled, relevant, timely, and high-quality humanitarian assistance to save lives, alleviate suffering, and maintain the dignity of affected populations. Our humanitarian assistance is followed by recovery assistance and resilience building. Our humanitarian aid is based on the core principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence.
In Angola, People in Need’s humanitarian programmes have focused on acute water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) assistance provided to Congolese refugees in northern Angola and on combating malnutrition in response to chronic drought in the central province of Bié.
Historically, we have responded successfully and quickly thanks to the contributions donated by the community of supporters, partners, and our Club of Friends.
Past aid programmes

Rapid response to urgent WASH needs of local population affected by drought emergency in Southern Angola

Responding to acute sanitation and nutrition needs
In one component of the project, more than 6,200 children under the age of five were screened for malnutrition and referred to health units for treatment. In addition, health volunteers from local communities were trained to conduct the screenings and follow-up visits to the families of children with malnutrition, and to promote positive practices related to infant and young child feeding. Social mobilisers were additionally trained on the promotion of good hygiene practices, including hand washing, water management and purification, proper storage of food and water, etc., in order to multiply key messages in the communities and, in this way, positively influence people’s behaviour. These are important prevention measures, since it’s proven that sharing information about good hygiene and sanitation practices has a positive impact on the reduction of malnutrition cases caused by water-borne diseases and poor hygiene practices, such as diarrhoea and parasitic diseases. Furthermore, training courses based on the National Protocol were offered to health technicians, supporting their capacity to administer proper treatment, follow-up and evaluation, and to ensure that accurate data can be collected.
In line with the Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach that has been successfully implemented by PIN for several years in Bié province, PIN staff in cooperation with mobilisers and municipal focal points also supported and monitored the process of construction of latrines by families – as per the standard CLTS line of action, communities themselves are responsible for the construction, using local materials available. In addition to that, approx. 1,500 hygiene kits were distributed to vulnerable families, with items like buckets, water purification tablets, soaps, sanitary pads and underwear. The priority group were women – heads of households, elderly, women with disabilities.
Awareness raising and distribution of hygiene kits have also been utilized in response to the 2020 Coronavirus outbreak.

Emergency response in refugee settlements
The follow-up project introduced the Children’s Hygiene and Sanitation Training (CHAST) approach for the existing child-friendly spaces to promote personal hygiene among children. The goal of the intervention is to prevent the emergence and spread of illnesses among refugees threatening their lives and further deterioration of already challenging situation.
Majority of the refugees has been already relocated from two reception centres and Dundo town to a settlement in Lóvua, where they were divided into small newly built villages. People in Need is using its experience with community approach to sanitation (Community Led Total Sanitation - CLTS) and Communitarian Water Management Model (MOGECA) which were successfully implemented as a part of development program in villages in the province of Bié in central Angola. Over 7,000 refugees have been already assisted thanks to this intervention.