Education and Documentaries in Czechia

Education and Documentaries in Czechia

© Photo: Archiv CvT

In all regions of the Czech Republic, we engage not only teachers and students but also the general public in our educational and outreach activities. We create interactive and multimedia educational materials and organize International Human Rights Film Festival One World which takes place in Prague and many other cities across the Czech Republic.


Since 2001, we have been making social and global issues accessible through the JSNS Educational Programme (Jeden svět na školách - One World at Schools). In this way, we contribute to the education of responsible young people who are aware of the contemporary world, who approach information openly and critically, who are not indifferent, who want to influence and who actually influence the events around them. Through films, discussions, and learning activities, we bring important topics and concrete stories into schools. We focus on human rights, modern Czechoslovak history, media education and many other topics.

Since 2001, we have been running the Varianty Educational Programme in the Czech Republic. Our vision is a school that is open to all children, leading pupils and students to the understanding of context, global responsibility and respect for others. We support educators, school administrators, teaching assistants and students of education. We prepare for them face-to-face and online courses, methodological materials and other support in the areas of collaborative education, global development education, climate education, empowering of active citizens and working with modern teaching methods (Persona Dolls, Philosophy for Children).

We inform about migration and the life of foreigners in the Czech Republic through the Migration Awareness information and media programme. In it, we address the issues of immigration, provide the public with balanced information about migration and integration, and break down stereotypes about foreigners in order to contribute to successful integration and good coexistence between immigrants and the majority society in the Czech Republic. 

We help kindergartens, primary and secondary schools with the World School Certification, whose philosophy promotes education and preparation of students for real life in our globalised world and is based on a simple three-step methodology: learn - discover - act.

Since 2006, we have been supporting the education of socially disadvantaged children. Every year we tutor or organise tutoring and leisure activities for hundreds of them. We support adolescents with career guidance at secondary school, and prepare younger children for school in our pre-school clubs. Volunteers help us strengthen their positive attitude towards education and motivation to learn so that they can do well in the future. We support them, among other things, through the portal Douč, where they can find tips for working with children based on our many years of experience.

Human rights films

We organise the International Human Rights Film Festival One World, with screenings in almost thirty cities across the Czech Republic. Since 1999, we have been bringing human rights films from around the world to domestic audiences and screening them in dozens of cities across the country, as well as in Czech primary and secondary schools. One World has received an honorary mention from UNESCO for human rights education and is now the largest festival of its kind in the world.

One World is now a year-round affair. Those who are interested in human rights films and organise various debates and meetings can use our programme Get Your Audience!, which offers the opportunity to download selected festival films for free and screen them within their community.

For those who prefer to watch films on their own, the platform One World Online contains dozens of films from the past festival editions.

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