What not to miss? The best of this year's One World
Published: Feb 12, 2019 Reading time: 3 minutes Share: Share an articleComplete programme of the One World festival will be announced on 19 February 2019, but this does not prevent us from sharing the best things of this year's festival with you. Check all the highligts below:

Question and Exclamation Marks?!
The punctuation marks you see in the festival visuals, symbolising social tension, also appear in the programme. While the category ??? is devoted mainly to the search for personal identity and social acceptance, the category !!! presents individuals and groups who don’t admit just anyone to their comfort zone or territory.
Focus on Russia
Last year we focused on the USA; this year we look at Russia. Novaya – the story of the prestigious Novaya Gazeta, whose journalists started to disappear in 2000 – will have its international premiere. The film will be introduced by its director, Askold Kurov, and the Novaya Gazeta’s former chief editor, Dmitry Muratov, will speak at the associated Talking Cinema event.
Prague Welcomes the Master of Gonzo Documentary
It took only a few years for him to earn respect on the American documentary scene. He has received Emmy awards and an Oscar nomination. The retrospective of Matthew Heineman’s work includes not only his successful films Cartel Land (2015) and City of Ghosts (2017) but also his new documentary series The Trade.
One World Interactive
Once again, festival visitors can visit a space where ordinary reality is transformed into the virtual, specifically at two modern venues at the DOX Centre: DOX Auditorium and DOX DataMaze. Special glasses will make it possible to view, for example, an interactive documentary from war-torn Yemen.
The Disintegration of Democracy in Central Europe
Why are our neighbours drifting more towards illiberal and authoritarian forms of government? Will something similar happen in Czechia? A series of films and accompanying discussions take a look at present-day Hungary and Poland.
One World for All
We believe that access to culture and a public life are key human rights and so we make our festival open to as broad a range of the public as possible. Some films have coloured captions for those with hearing loss or audio commentaries for people with vision loss. People with mental disabilities or problems concentrating are able to enjoy relaxed screenings.
Leading Makers under One Roof
The East Doc Platform runs in parallel with One World from 9 to 15 March. Central and Eastern European filmmakers will present some of the most interesting documentary projects currently in progress. There will also be a number of interesting public lectures by leading international film experts.
Short and Accurate
Short documentary films are enjoying their golden age and One World wants to be there! So we’ve brought back the short documentary category, which makes it possible to quickly catch up with current issues – such as the present-day turbulence in Brazil.
Oscar Contenders
This year, One World is screening two of the five feature documentaries nominated for an Oscar: Hale County This Morning, This Evening and Minding the Gap. In addition, Talal Derki, the director of yet another nominated film, Of Fathers and Sons, is a member of the jury for the international competition.
When a Ruling Cannot Be Heard
What injustices are faced by deaf persons who are accused of a crime, or possibly even sentenced to prison? The American human rights activist Talila A. Lewis will lead a Talking Cinema event about the rights of people with disabilities following the screening of The Fight.
Of Crabs and People
Migration opponents often point to the Australian model of detention camps as an example for Europe. But do we really know what camp conditions are like? Psychotherapist Poh Lin Lee, the protagonist of Island of the Hungry Ghosts, provides an eye-witness account.