We call for the protection of civilians and immediate humanitarian access

Published: Oct 19, 2023 Reading time: 1 minute
We call for the protection of civilians and immediate humanitarian access
© Photo: People in Need

Alongside other organisations and the UN, we at People in Need are shocked and devastated by the situation that has unfolded in Israel and Palestine since October 7, 2023. Thousands of people have been killed and the events are going to have long-term humanitarian consequences throughout the region.

We urge all parties to stop the violence against civilians to prevent further suffering and loss of life. Civilians on both sides must be protected and humanitarian access must be allowed. 

Even war has its own rules as formulated by the Geneva Conventions and International Humanitarian Law, which are binding on all parties involved in the conflict. Violation of the rules by one party in no way gives the opposing party a right to violate the rules. Attacks on medical facilities and civilian infrastructure are in violation of International Humanitarian Law.    

We stand with all the innocent victims of the conflict and reiterate our call for the spiral of senseless violence to cease.

Autor: People in Need