Internal whistleblowing system
Responsible contact persons for reporting and investigation:
Barbora Vonešová (RDD)Martina Zikmundová (all other sections)
How to submit a report?
A report can be submitted through the Internal Whistelblowing Channel of People in Need, o.p.s. (hereinafter refer to as PIN) in the following way:- In writing to People in Need, Barbora Vonešová / Martina Zikmundová, Šafaříkova 24, 120 00 Prague 2 (can be sent by post or delivered in person to the reception at this address), the envelope should be marked: "Do not open - only to attention of the responsible person".
- By phone:
- Barbora Vonešová: +420 775 894 935
- Martina Zikmundová: +420 734 742 982
- A written record of the phone report will be made
- By e-mail: whistleblowing@pinf.cz
- In person: to submit a report in person, please book the appointment by phone or email.
What can be reported?
Using the Internal Whistleblowing Channel ('IWC'), whistleblowers can report:- possible violation of law that have a negative impact on individuals, public health and safety, or the property of the organization; and
- possible violation of law that has the characteristics of a criminal offence or misdemeanour for which the law sets a fine of at least CZK 100,000 or which otherwise violates the law or another legal regulation or a regulation of the European Union in the areas defined in Section 2(1) of Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on the protection of whistleblowers.
Who can submit a report?
In particular, the report may be submitted by a person who carries out work or other similar activity for the organisation, especially if he or she is working under an employment contract, is a volunteer or is carrying out a professional practice or internship.
A whistleblower may also be a person who has a supplier-customer relationship or other contact with PIN in connection with the performance of such work or other similar activity. Work or other similar activity includes applying for the above work activity.
- However, PIN does not exclude receiving reports from any other persons. The whistleblower may be a natural person who, in view of the circumstances and information available to him/her at the time of reporting, acts in good faith that the report being made is based on credible facts and true facts. The whistleblower shall not knowingly make a false report.
- The report may be made anonymously. However, anonymous complaints or reports may be less credible and therefore it is not possible to ensure full compliance with the established procedure for the assessment of anonymous reports. Reports may be made in any language.
- The extent and quality of the information submitted is crucial to the investigation of the report.
Does the whistleblower have protection?
Information on the identity of the whistleblower can only be provided with his/her written consent. The exception is where the information must be provided to public authorities under other legislation. Whistleblowers are encouraged to give their names in any reports.
If the whistleblower provides personal data in the report, PIN will process it as a data controller, as this is necessary to investigate the report (to fulfil the legal obligation imposed on the controller under the Act). The processing period is 5 years from the date of receipt of the report. The data controller will not disclose the data to any other person. The basic rights of the data subject (the whistleblower) as well as the data controller and the contact details of the Data Protection Officer can be found here: https://www.peopleinneed.net/personal-data-protection-policy-1s
- The whistleblower has the right to protection against retaliation. Retaliatory measures are those which are likely to cause harm to the whistleblower and are causally linked to the notification. Retaliation may take the form, in particular, of intimidation, threats, reprisals (including reassignment or termination of employment) or retaliation as a result of the report. The whistleblower, as well as the person who provided assistance in identifying the information in the report, in making the report itself or in assessing its validity, a person who is close to the whistleblower and a person who is an employee or colleague of the whistleblower are protected against any retaliation. If a member of the PIN staff is found to have retaliated, disciplinary action, including possible dismissal, will be taken against that person.
How quickly will the report be processed?
The whistleblower will receive confirmation that the report has been received within 7 calendar days.
The competent person shall assess the validity of the report and inform the whistleblower in writing of the results of the assessment within 30 days of receipt of the report.
- In factually or legally complex cases, this period may be extended by up to 30 days, but not more than twice. The competent person shall inform the notifier in writing of the extension of the time limit and the reasons for it before its expiry.
How will the report be investigated?
The report is always assigned to a responsible person, who will be obliged to process the report within a specified period of time and always inform the whistleblower of the outcome of the investigation.
- Upon receipt of the report, the validity of the report will first be assessed. If the report is found to be justified, measures to remedy or prevent the infringement will be recommended to the obliged entity concerned.
Whistleblowing Policy for download