V4NIEM: Visegrad Countries National Integration Evaluation Mechanism

Published: Jun 1, 2016 Reading time: 2 minutes
V4NIEM: Visegrad Countries National Integration Evaluation Mechanism
© Photo: Visegrad Fund

The V4NIEM (Visegrad Countries National Integration Evaluation Mechanism) and subseqent 2nd phase project V4NIEM 2020-2021 are part of a broader European project NIEM. These projects focus on longterm evaluation of integration policies (IPs) in V4 countries. The goal is to improve integration of migrants and refugees and beneficiaries of international protection (BIPs) through research, networking of stekeholders and common advocacy in V4 countries in order to enhance IPs and prevent maladaptation of newcomers and potential mutual aggression between migrants and majority. 

It builds on:

1) networking of experts in IPs by establishing of regular peer group meetings (National coalition) of stakeholders (NGOs, academia, public servants, etc.) in order to share experience and evaluate IPs in V4 countries

2) longterm evaluation of IPs based on outputs of regular peer group meetings and implementation of Integration Evaluation Tool (IET) results. The IET was developed by organizations Migration Policy Group and UNHCR and is being updated under the project NIEM

3) information and good practice sharing and exchange between V4 project partners

4) publication of Comparative analyses that summarize particular issues and provide recommendations for improvement of IPs 

Outputs to download (1st and 2nd phase):

2020: The European benchmark for refugee integration. Evaluation 1: Comprehensive report 

2019 Updated national report: Asylum Seekers and Beneficiaries of International Protection in Czechia (Czech)

2019 Updated comparative report: Asylum Seekers and Beneficiaries of International Protection in V4 (English)

NIEM: The European benchmark for refugee integration: A comparative analysis of the National Integration Evaluation Mechanism in 14 EU countries (English)

2017 Comparative report: Asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection in V4 countries (English)

Schedule of National Coalition / Peergroup Meetings stakeholder (2nd phase):

27.03.2020 - Regional meeting of V4/NIEM partners

23.04.2020 - 1st meeting in Czechia 

17.06.2020 - 2nd meeting in Czechia

16.07.2020 - 1st meeting in Slovakia

15.09.2020 - 3rd meeting in Czechia

21.09.2020 - 1st meeting in Poland

20.10.2020 - 2nd meeting in Poland

Implementation period: 2016-2019 (1st phase), 2020-2021 (2nd phase) 


Czechia: People in Need (project leader)

Poland: Fundacja Instytut Spraw Publicznych (Institute of Public Affairs)

Hungary: Menedék Migránsokat Segítő Egyesület (Menedék Hungarian Association for Migrants)

Slovakia: Marginal

Grant awarded from International Visegrad Fund for 2020-2021: 30,390 EUR 

Coordinator: Ondřej Novotný, +420 777 761 784, (ondrej.novotny@clovekvtisni.cz)

The V4NIEM project is co-financed with the Visegrad Fund within the Visegrad Strategic Grant (1st phase) and Visegrad Grant (2nd phase).

The Visegrad Fund is not responsible for the content any output of the project or for their use. Partners bear exclusive responsibility.

Autor: ČvT

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