Venezuela in crisis

Published: Jan 18, 2019 Reading time: 1 minute

How deep has Venezuela fallen? How is the collapse reflecting on the lives of Venezuelans at this moment?

Venezuela in crisis
© Photo: Lucia

Lucia Argüellova from People in Need is bringing latest updates from Venezuela, a country that has been facing the deepest crisis in its modern history under the authoritarian rule of President Nicolas Maduro. She will share with you her first-hand experience from what she saw in the streets of Caracas, Maracaibo and beyond: the elderly queueing for pensions day and night, abandoned wrecks of cars forming long lines, anti-governmental grafiti challenging pro-governmental propaganda, lack of syringes and nurses, limited cash, multiple exchange rates, empty restaurants and frequent stories about political opponents being silenced in one way or another.

What is happening in Venezuela, once the richest Latin American country, that is nowadays losing millions of people in migration flows, as the living conditions are becoming unbearable? How is it possible that the situation went so far? And most importantly: what can we do to help?

Come to talk about Venezuela to Cafe Langhans on January 30 at 7 PM.

Free entry.

The talk will be in English. 

See Facebook event HERE.

Author: ČvT

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