United in anxiety: Attitudes towards refugees and migrants in seven European countries

Published: Jun 28, 2018 Reading time: 1 minute
United in anxiety: Attitudes towards refugees and migrants in seven European countries
© Photo: British council Poland

"United in anxiety" - that´s the title of a comparative report about attitudes of central and eastern Europeans towards refugees and migrants. Together with colleagues from Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania, we listened to people who are sceptical towards the possibility of acceptance and integration of refugees and migrants. We combined our findings with further existing research and published studies. 

What have the countries in common, how have the attitudes of their citizens developed since 2015 and what kind of deeper roots does the fear of migrants in the researched countries have? You find this and more information in the comparative report and the country reports.

You can download:

- Comparative report "United in anxiety: Post-2015 public attitudes towards accepting refugees and migrants: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia
- Country report "Wages of fear: Attitudes towards refugees and migrants in Czech republic"

The report was published as a part of the project Empowering Communities in Europe, financed by the EC funding program Europe for Citizens.

Autor: Adéla Jurečková, Program Migrace

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