United for Ukraine! Join the rally on the 2nd anniversary of the war. Together, we will send a message of support to the Ukrainian people
Published: Jan 30, 2024 Reading time: 4 minutes Share: Share an articleThe civic organisations Memory of the Nation, People in Need, Million Moments for Democracy, and the European Congress of Ukrainians call on the Czech and European public to persevere in supporting Ukraine in the face of Russian war aggression. On the war's second anniversary, they have prepared a rally on Saturday, 24 February 2024, from 4 to 5 pm at Old Town Square, at which, among others, Czech President Petr Pavel will speak. The rally is part of the Day for Ukraine.

"We want to say to Ukraine: you are not alone. We are with you! This is our fight for our future. I think it is more important than ever to stand behind these words and remind the Czech and European public of our values," says Šimon Pánek of People in Need. Mikuláš Kroupa from Memory of Nations emphasises, "the war in Ukraine is not some distant, local conflict between two warring parties. It is a fundamental struggle of our generation for the freedom of Europe. It concerns each and every one of us. Therefore, I strongly urge you to show our will to defend Europe at Old Town Square together."
Mariana Novotná Nachtigallová from Million Moments for Democracy says, "It has been two years since Ukrainian men and women have fought for their freedom and ours. The dust must not settle on our support over time, which is why your participation is still so important." Bohdan Rajchinets from the European Congress of Ukrainians exclaims, "Unfortunately, people forget or don't want to understand that this war is not just between Ukraine and Russia. Ukraine is defending its population, its country, and its values, but Ukraine is also defending Europe!"
Let's come together in support of Ukraine!
NGOs call on the Czech public to participate in the rally United for Ukraine on 24 February from 16:00 to 17:00 to mark the second anniversary of the beginning of Russian aggression against Ukraine. It is part of Day for Ukraine, and in addition to President Peter Pavel, speakers will include representatives from the organising organisations Šimon Pánek, Mikuláš Kroupa, Mariana Novotná Nachtigallová, and Bohdan Rajčinka, as well as people who Czech citizens have helped. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has also promised a video message supporting the demonstration.
In addition to the rally, NGOs are preparing a manifesto in support of Ukraine in cooperation with the President. "In it, we remind European and world politicians of the importance of fulfilling their commitments to Ukraine and urge them not to forget the country, and instead, to increase their assistance at this critical time," the NGOs tell world leaders and the public in their manifesto.
Day for Ukraine: from Smichov to Old Town Square and Karlín
NGOs jointly organised The Day for Ukraine, which will take place on 24 February in Prague.
It starts with the March for Ukraine at 15:00 from the monument to the Ukrainian national hero, writer Taras Shevchenko, on Smíchov's Kinský Square. The Voice of Ukraine is organising the march, ending at Old Town Square.
The one-hour rally will take place at Old Town Square from 16:00. United for Ukraine is organised by the NGOs People in Need, Memory of the Nation, and Million Moments for Democracy and will feature speeches from President Petr Pavel, among others.
The day will end with a Concert for All Decent People, organised by the Foundation for Ukraine, at Forum Karlín in Karlin, the proceeds of which will go towards purchasing medical equipment for the Ukrainian army. The day will also include a programme for children. Read more on the website Day for Ukraine.
Ladislav Bruštík, People in Need: ladislav.brustik@clovekvtisni.cz, 774819964
Amálie Kovářová, spokesperson for the joint appeal: : amalie.kovarova@seznam.cz, 723907413