Too provocative for Cuba

Published: Oct 21, 2020 Reading time: 1 minute
Too provocative for Cuba
© Photo: Nonardo Perea

Nonardo Perea is a Cuban writer and visual artist who didn’t have the chance to study art, but who couldn’t live without being creative. The young homosexual artist wanted to work in a free country which respected LGBT+ rights, so he joined the San Isidro Movement for artistic freedom. Although he won several prizes for his work, the Cuban government labelled his art as “provocative” and “politically incorrect”. After being threatened with jail, this talented artist finally decided to take refuge in Spain where he can work freely without fearing for his life. 

Nonardo and People in Need

Nonardo has been several times accepted to People in Need's video journalism trainings in Prague, where he had a chance to develop his audio-visual work, to freely protest and to publish his book with the Czech publishing house Fra.

He talks about his story in his recent interview in the oldest LGBT newspaper in the United States, The Washington BladeAs he praises help from People in Need and thanks Clara who chose him for the workshops, Clara has lovely memories of him as well:

„Since I first saw Nonardo's work, I knew he was a great artist. It is a true privilege to work with a creator who has the courage to escape the norms imposed by gender and by the society in which he grew up and to explore new forms of freedom.“

To see more of his work follow Nonardo on Instagram.

Autor: PIN

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