The 12th annual One World in Brussels attracted over 1500 visitors

Published: May 4, 2018 Reading time: 2 minutes
The 12th annual One World in Brussels attracted over 1500 visitors
© Photo: ČC

In Brussels, a total of 15 screenings and discussions with experts, filmmakers and human rights activists opened up important current topics. 

The three-member international jury chose the winning film of the festival - the documentary Golden Dawn Girls by Norwegian director Håvard Bustnes. The film portrays opinions and stories of women standing alongside the top representatives of the Greek neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn. "The film itself portrays an interesting new angle on the Golden Dawn party by focusing on the role of women. These previously unknown women are shown to step up to leadership while men are in trial detention, and have the party going. The film is important to show how we should not be blinkers to the rise of fascism within Europe and beyond," says the statement of the jury.

The special mention was given to Watani - My Homeland by German director Marcel Mettelsiefen, who tells the story of Free Syrian Army’s commander family in devastated Aleppo.

Among the most visited screening was film The Cleaners about so-called content moderators hired by companies such as Facebook or Google in order to search for and delete inappropriate content on the social media. Another popular screening was documentary Our New President and the following discussion about Russian propaganda. The screening of the documentary Women of the Venezuelan Chaos about current crisis in Venezuela provoked a vivid discussion at the European Parliament.

One World International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival took place in Brussels for the twelfth time. It is organized by Czech non-governmental organization People in Need in cooperation with the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU and the Czech Center in Brussels. Other local partners from non-governmental and international organizations also collaborated on specific screenings and debates. The program was attended by almost one and a half thousand visitors.

Autor: PIN

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