PINnovations in communication

Published: Feb 8, 2019 Reading time: 1 minute

In Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East, we help the poorest and most vulnerable people get back on their feet and live happier lives. We want to share the results of our work in the most compelling and dynamic ways possible, which is why we’re committed to keeping up with the latest communication tools and trends. For inspiration, take a look at these drone shots of repaired roads in Nepal, watch this 360° video of a Zambian village or read the tales from Afghanistan. 

Mediální školení
© Photo: ČvT


Virtual tour 



360 VIDEO 


Interactive maps - storymaps

videos recorded by our beneficiaries

THIS IS US, THIS IS UKRAINE – A SERIES ABOUT ORDINARY PEOPLE LIVING THROUGH WAR ON THE EU’S DOORSTEP. 5 phones, 5 people, 5 villages. We’ve collected real-life video material filmed by local people living near the frontline in eastern Ukraine. 

See all the episodes HERE.

This is a story of Sima, a young girl who attends a school supported by People in Need in Idlib, Syria. 

Cooperation with influencers

Selfie videos OF OUR COLLEAGUES 

If you’ve any tips on new tools or if you’d like to provide us with creative content, please e-mail us at


Author: Monika Ticháčková, media coordinator

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