PIN loses a dear colleague from Talleda school in Idlib as violence across northern Syria escalates

Published: Nov 22, 2016 Reading time: 2 minutes
PIN loses a dear colleague from Talleda school in Idlib as violence across northern Syria escalates
© Photo: PIN Archive

In the last two weeks, violence across Aleppo and Idlib governorates has greatly escalated. On a single day, hundreds of airstrikes fall across Idlib and Aleppo governorates, devastating homes and civilian infrastructure indiscriminately.

On the 15th November, Russia announced a major military offensive which has resulted in the intensified bombardment of Aleppo and Idlib governorates. On that same day, 250 airstrikes hit Idlib alone. In this intensification of violence many more civilians have lost their lives. It is with deep sadness that we report the death of Hudhayfa Nihad Ibrahim, a facilitator in one of PIN’s schools.

On the 16th November Hudhayfa was killed together with his mother and sister by an airstrike on his village of Batbu, in western Aleppo countryside. Originally from Hama, he and his relatives had fled his hometown in Hama seeking a safer life elsewhere. As the family breadwinner he was working in Talleda school in Idlib, where he devoted his time and efforts to facilitating psychosocial support activities for students.

He will be remembered for his ethics and respect for others, as well as his sense of humour and commitment to improving the lives of children in Talleda school.  He was a kind friend to both his students and colleagues and will be greatly missed. A moment of silence was held for him today among child protection colleagues as we recalled his efforts in pursuit of a better present and future for the children of Syria.  We will cherish his memory.

Autor: PIN

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