People in Need suspends programmes in Afghanistan and calls for lifting of a ban on female aid workers

Published: Dec 26, 2022 Reading time: 1 minute

On 24 December, People in Need along with other national and international NGOs received a letter that as of 25 December, women are no longer allowed to work for local and international non-governmental organizations (NGO) in Afghanistan.

People in Need suspends programmes in Afghanistan and calls for lifting of a ban on female aid workers
© Photo: PIN

Without women we would not have reached tens of thousands of Afghans in need during the last years. It is not possible to carry out an effective humanitarian response, in accordance with humanitarian principles, if women are prevented from working.

Whilst we gain clarity on this announcement, People in Need, along with numerous other NGOs, has taken the decision to temporarily suspend majority of activities in Afghanistan. Hereby People in Need is calling on the Afghan authorities to immediately lift the ban on female NGO workers that can have a devastating humanitarian impact on millions of vulnerable men, women and children across the country.

For further information please contact:

Author: PIN

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