People in Need colleague killed as airstrikes hit Atareb town in Aleppo countryside

Published: Nov 15, 2017 Reading time: 2 minutes
People in Need colleague killed as airstrikes hit Atareb town in Aleppo countryside
© Photo: People in Need

With sadness in our hearts, we confirm that one of our Syrian colleagues, Hamdo Mohammed Saeed Alshoun, was killed in an airstrike in West Aleppo countryside on November 13. Three airstrikes hit a market in Atareb town killing over 50 people.

Hamdo Mohammed (31) has been working with People in Need since March 2017 as a guard for PIN’s Aleppo office. He will be fondly remembered as a valuable member of our team and will be deeply missed by his colleagues and friends.

Hambo is now the sixth member of People in Need to be killed in Syria since 2012. News of Hambo’s death is even more tragic as we remember his brother, Hasan, also a humanitarian worker at People in Need, who was killed last year while at home with his wife, children and other family members. All of them lost their lives as a result of airstrikes and the ongoing aerial bombardment in Northern Syria.

People in Need expresses our deep and heartfelt condolences to Hambo’s family and to all the families who lost loved ones in this horrible incident. At the same time we strongly condemn such indiscriminate attacks resulting in deaths of civilians.

On behalf of People in Need Director, Simon Panek 

Autor: People in Need

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