The following projects are currently underway under the People in Need Social Integration Programmes:

The aim of this project aims is to facilitate equal access to education for children living in conditions of social exclusion by working directly with the children and their parents and by supporting the special skills and capabilities that the educators of such children require, whether at nursery school or primary school. You can find more information about the project here.
The aim of this project is to enhance personal and professional competences of young people at risk from many factors by creating a range of different types of activity for them. In addition to individual work with young people, group activities working with group dynamics and cohesion will also be organised within the project. Besides long-term work with the target group, as part of the project workshops will be held at schools, targeted at the issue of education, success in the labour market or debt prevention. You can find more information about the project here.
Through debt relief to justice
Several years ago, exploitation of poverty became a lucrative business which created a burden of debts to the tune of billions of Czech crowns. The consequence of the fact that it was possible to earn thousands of crowns from recovery of a debt of just one crown is a high degree of debt, combined with a drop in recoverability. Hundreds of thousands of distraint proceedings are, according to the case history of the Constitutional Court, conducted illegally, but people with a low level of education are unable to enforce their legal rights. This project attempts to change this unjust situation and give those in debt a new chance to enjoy a life free of such iniquity. You can find more information about the project here.
On the road
This project focuses on people who have committed a crime or broken a certain social norm. Social training for adults and youths, psycho-social support and the debt and unemployment prevention programme aim at minimising the most significant risks of their recidivism and reinforcing social inclusion. It facilitates successful service of an alternative sentence for such people, enhancement of competences, self-knowledge, the chance to meditate over illegal behaviour and its consequences and solving practical problems. You can find more information about the project here.
The main aim of this project is to increase employment and the employability of young people up to the age of 29 years old. It is targeted at people in the Usti Region who are neither active in the labour market nor in the education system. The specific aims of the project centre on provision of advisory, educational and other subsidiary activities which are intended to activate young people and return them to or allow them to join the labour market. The project will be implemented in partnership with the Ustí nad Labem branch of the Czech government Employment Agency. You can find more information about the project here.
A Person amongst People
Since October 2016, the Prague branch of Social Integration Programmes has been implementing the project A Person amongst People, subsidised from the Operational Programme - Prague – Pole of Growth. A Person amongst People aims to support inclusion in education, including informal education. The project supports education and participation by children from a socially disadvantaged environment and development of social and civic competences for secondary school children. The aim of the project is to encourage active participation of school children of all ages in the community and society, to do away with negative stereotypes and teach young people to evaluate information critically. You can find more information about the project here.