International NGOs working towards reducing air pollution and developing textile industry in Mongolia

Published: Sep 24, 2018 Reading time: 3 minutes
International NGOs working towards reducing air pollution and developing textile industry in Mongolia
© Photo: People in need

Opening ceremony of European Union funded projects was held in Best Western Premier Tuushin hotel on September 20, 2018. The projects, totaling a budget of 5 million EUR, include “Sustainable Textile Production and EcoLabelling in Mongolia” (STeP EcoLab Mongolia) by Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (AVSF), Right to Breathe (R2B) by People in Need NGO (PIN), Switch off Air Pollution (SOAP) by Group for the Environment, Renewable Energy and Solidarity (GERES).

The projects being launched aim to supporting Mongolian economy, SMEs and the policy makers in engaging into more environmentally, socially and economically sustainable consumption and production patterns. Those actions target specifically air pollution related issues in urban areas and sustainable sourcing and production methods for the Mongolian textile industry.

"Mongolia and EU both parties to the Paris agreement on Climate Change. Mongolia is heavily affected by the impacts of climate change and its per-capita greenhouse gas emissions are also very high. These projects have the aim to promote resource and energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure, and providing access to basic services, green and decent jobs and a better quality of life for all. Its implementation helps to achieve overall development plans, reduce future economic, environmental and social costs, strengthen economic competitiveness and reduce poverty," the Ambassador of the European Union Train Hristea remarked.

Sustainable Textile Production and EcoLabelling in Mongolia

Implemented by Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières, Sustainable Textile Production and EcoLabelling in Mongolia (STeP EcoLab Mongolia) aims to contribute to establish a more sustainable textile supply chain within the industry and support current efforts of the Government of Mongolia in adding value and ensure sounds pasture management practices in country, specifically for cashmere, yak and camel fiber. The project will strive to (i) consolidating and replicating sustainable and certified raw materials sourcing options (ii) supporting and developing a conductive environment for textile processing companies , including linkages to the banking sector, support to the policy maker and development of code of practices(iii) raising customers` and consumers` awareness and link to market opportunities in Europe.

Right to Breath

Implemented from 2018 to 2019 by People in Need, Right to Breath (R2B) – The project will contribute to a strong domestic accountability system and CSOs engagement in guaranteeing transparency alongside parliament, audit institutions and media on adequate information systems to promote enhanced transparency and accountability on air pollution data and actions in Ulaanbaatar city and Arkhangai aimag. The specific objective of the R2B is strengthening access to information of air quality, raising awareness on air pollution, supporting situational monitoring and corresponding actions addressing in urban Mongolia.

Switch Off Air Pollution

Implemented by Group for the Environment, Renewable Energy and Solidarity from 2018 to 2021, Switch Off Air Pollution (SOAP) aims to reduce coal consumption from Ulaanbaatar’s Ger area through coordinated action in the field of energy efficiency in housing construction and renovation. It will be accomplished through raising awareness, energy advisory and financial intermediation to households, supporting Ger area Energy Efficiency market by providing technical training and marketing support for MSMEs, and local construction supply chain.


Tina Puntsag, Communications Officer at (People in Need)

Odonchimeg Idersaikhan, Communications Officer at (GERES)

Sarangoo Ukhnaa, Project Manager at (AVSF)

Autor: People in need

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