International Human Rights Day - Invitation to online event

Published: Dec 10, 2020 Reading time: 2 minutes
International Human Rights Day - Invitation to online event
© Photo: Dana Skalická

It has become an annual tradition that People in Need, the Embassy of the Netherlands in the Czech Republic and the Delegation of Flanders in the Czech Republic get together on December 10 and honour the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Unfortunately, this year we are unable to meet in person, but we are able to connect in real time with our guests from Venezuela, Germany and Slovakia. We have prepared a virtual event, with this year’s focus being on Venezuela.

Join us in marking the 72nd anniversary of this groundbreaking moment for human rights and freedoms.

Event schedule:

18:00 – 19:15 Screening: Documentary film Está Todo Bien (It's All Good) with English subtitles:

19:30 – 20:30 Discussion: Venezuelan’s health care system has already collapsed during the ongoing humanitarian crisis.

How is the country coping with a significant shortage of healthcare workers, food, medicine and other basic necessities, as it is hit by COVID-19 pandemic?

The discussion will be held online via Facebook Live.

Our guests will be:

▪️ Tuki Jencquel - Director of Está Todo Bien

▪️ Natasha Saturno - Venezuelan human rights lawyer

▪️ Sara Cincurova - Freelance journalist and researcher focusing on human rights

▪️ Moderator: Lucia Argüellová, Head of Latin American program, People in Need

For more information check the Facebook event     

Human Rights day: Venezuela - A place where crisis is forbidden

About the film: As the public health system collapses, a pharmacist, a trauma surgeon, a social activist, and two cancer patients confront the same questions as millions of other Venezuelans struggling to survive in a nation plunged into chaos: to protest or to acquiesce, to emigrate or to stick it out, to lose all hope or to hang on to faith? Together they take to the stage to act out their circumstances and find emotional release.

Está Todo Bien was chosen as the best film on One World Film Festival in Brussels 2019 -


Autor: ČvT

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