Integrated Multi-Sector Response to Conflict-Affected Communities in Ethiopia

Published: May 3, 2022 Reading time: 2 minutes

People in Need (PIN) has been responding to conflict-affected, vulnerable IDPs and returnees in the SNNP region, Konzo Zone through an integrated, multi-sector project. This project also extends to surrounding woredas including Alle, Derashe Special woredas, and South Omo zone Dasench woreda. PIN focuses on life-saving responses such as cash distributions, WASH, and shelter settlement for conflict-affected IDPs and host communities. 

Integrated Multi-Sector Response to Conflict-Affected Communities in Ethiopia
© Photo: PIN

Kuteena Kutayew is one of PIN’s beneficiaries. She is 30 years old and lives with her husband and five children in a small village called Gergema kebele, which is located in the southern Ethiopian SNNP region. “When the violence broke out, we did not know what to do, where to go. We rushed to the jungle,’’ Kuteena explains. “It was difficult, our children were hungry, constantly asking for food,’’ she continues. She and her family left without any clothes and belongings when conflict broke out. They were hiding in the jungle, sleeping on the ground, and beginning to lose hope. "We never imagined that we would live to see another day and begin our lives again," Kuteena says.

When they returned to the village, they found out that their house was burnt down. They lost everything. "But, praise God! People in Need discovered us and provided us with blankets, temporary shelter, cooking supplies, jerrycans, and hygiene supplies, as well as a donation of 2671 birr in each of the three rounds of cash grants distribution," Kuteene explains happily.

"I was also able to buy food again and medicine for my husband who was very, very ill. If I didn’t have PIN's convenient care, I might have lost him."

Integrated Multi-Sector Approach  

PIN has initiated this project as part of the Southern Ethiopia Crisis Response program, which intends to reach 82,725 people in the SNNP region, particularly the most vulnerable IDPs and their families.

The project is financed by the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and has been implemented since April 2021. It provides populations with access to safe drinking water, shelter, and sanitation facilities in the affected locations, with an emphasis on children under five and pregnant and lactating women. This project helped a total of 52,384 conflict-affected IDPs and host community members so far.    

Kuteena Kutayew and her family are one of 200 targeted vulnerable households in Gergema kebele who received WASH/emergency non-food items, cash assistance, and temporary shelter. Along with medication and food, she purchased seedlings and plans to start farming, which will allow her to stand on her own feet again.

"I would like to acknowledge what People in Need did for my family."
Author: Mihiret Wasihun Teklu

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