INGO Joint Statement on the Unfolding Crisis in Myanmar

Published: Feb 12, 2021 Reading time: 2 minutes
INGO Joint Statement on the Unfolding Crisis in Myanmar
© Photo: People in Need

As INGOs working in Myanmar, we support the fulfilment of human rights and all people’s equal, democratic participation. We are deeply concerned about the military seizure of power in the country in light of the potential immediate and longer-term impacts on the safety, rights and wellbeing of people across Myanmar, particularly those already experiencing vulnerability and marginalization. 

We remain committed to working with and supporting our civil society partners; from local community groups to national civil society networks. Most of our work in Myanmar is carried out with our partners, supporting communities with urgently needed assistance to meet their immediate basic needs, and with programmes that build greater resilience over the longer term. However:

  • We are concerned that the current situation undermines recent progress to enable local communities to participate in and influence decisions that impact their lives and the full enjoyment of their rights. We call on all stakeholders to respect the fundamental human rights of all people in Myanmar, including freedom of peaceful assembly, freedom of speech, and free flow of information, and to refrain from all forms of violence against peaceful protestors, journalists and media workers.
  • We have been working to support the safety, health and livelihoods of communities across Myanmar during the COVID-19 pandemic and we have seen the very real challenges so many are facing first hand as sources of income have vanished and health care capacity is stretched. We are concerned that the recent events in Myanmar will undo efforts to contain the disease and that existing vulnerabilities will increase in severity.
  • We believe NGOs play a critical role in providing assistance and services in these challenging times. We call upon all relevant authorities to ensure humanitarian access for national and international stakeholders.

We hope all relevant parties inside Myanmar, and concerned countries in the region and around the world, contribute to a swift and peaceful resolution to the crisis and to the uncertainty that the Myanmar people face.


Action Against Hunger, ActionAid, AVI, BBC Media Action, The Border Consortium, CARE International in Myanmar, CDN-ZOA, Centre for Development and Environment, Community Partners, International Cord, Danish Refugee Council, Democracy Reporting International, Energy and Poverty Research Group, Finnish Refugee Council, HelpAge, Helvetas, Humanity & Inclusion, Johanniter International Assistance, The Lutheran World Federation, MA-UK, Médecins du Monde France, Mercy Corps, Norwegian Refugee Council, Norwegian People’s Aid, Oxfam International, People in Need, Save the Children International, SWISSAID, Trócaire, World Vision International, Welthungerhilfe, Yangon Film School

Autor: PIN

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