I can’t buy nappies for my son, says Anastasiya from Uglegorsk in non-government controlled areas of Ukraine. We provided hygiene kits to 2000 people

Published: Jun 8, 2016 Reading time: 1 minute
I can’t buy nappies for my son, says Anastasiya from Uglegorsk in non-government controlled areas of Ukraine. We provided hygiene kits to 2000 people
© Photo: PIN Archive

About 30 people are queuing to receive emergency hygiene aid in the former kindergarten  which was severely damaged by shelling back in February 2015 when the heavy battle for Debaltsevo started. The town of Uglegorsk is located just 10 km far from Debaltsevo. It was under constant artillery fire for the whole winter 2015, leaving the majority of houses destroyed and thousands of people displaced.

Today PIN remains one of the few humanitarian actors operating in the area, restoring shelters and providing residents of Uglegorsk with emergency humanitarian assistance, such as food, hygiene and clothes. Anastasiya came to the distribution point with her 2 years old son Georgiy, to receive a hygiene kit which PIN distributes with support of the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO).

“This is an extremely significant support for us”, Anastasiya says, while her son is playing with the box. “I’m not sure how much this kit would cost on the local market. Diapers only would cost about 1500 rubles, and there are also wet tissues, children soap, shampoo, creme, towels and much more. The typical income that people here have is about 2000 rubles per month. I simply would not be able to buy all of this”.

More than two thousands of residents of non­government controlled area of Donetsk region received hygiene assistance during the last month thanks to support from ECHO. Following our commitment to principles of neutrality and impartiality PIN continues to support the most vulnerable people on both sides of the conflict.

Autor: PIN

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