Helping families from Ukraine with seriously ill children in Moldova
Published: Apr 20, 2022 Reading time: 2 minutes Share: Share an articleTwelve-year-old Ivan from Kharkiv suffers from severe kidney disease. His family fled the war in Ukraine to provide him with medicine and medical help. People in Need's SOS Ukraine fundraising supported an organization that helped Ivan's family with housing and food in Moldova.

"If we were just adults, we would have changed our minds ten times before leaving. But on the second day of the war, I couldn't buy medicine for Ivan," says Tatiana, Ivan's mother. They were leaving Kharkiv when the Russians bombed it. It was clear they were not safe. "Ivan has polycystic kidney disease, and he shouldn't have even a cold. Any infection can trigger inflammation of the kidneys, making the disease worse. In this case, you cannot do anything without medical help," says the mother. She noted that both hospitals in Kharkiv, where her son was treated, were bombed out.
New life... in Moldova
The family got into the car and left their town. They want to build a new life in Germany. But they had a car accident in western Ukraine and only made it as far as Moldova. They weren't planning to stay in this poorest country in Europe. They had nothing here and no contacts. But soon came across the Moldovan organization Life Without Leukaemia (Viata Fara Leucemia), led by Natalia Vilcu-Bajurean. Her tragedy led her to help families with children with leukaemia and other serious illnesses. After the war in Ukraine outbreak, she did not hesitate to apply to People in Need for a grant.
Thanks to the SOS Ukraine fundraising campaign, the organization can now support Ukrainian refugee families like Ivanova's. They have found her temporary housing and provided her with basic food and clothing. "Thank you for sheltering us here. We have the opportunity to live here. Nothing is raining on us – no bombs. We finally started sleeping here. The car is being repaired. It's all thanks to the locals," thanks Tatiana.
The Life Without Leukaemia organization helps sick children and their families with transport from the border, accommodation in Chisinau, psychological help and medication. They have helped more than 60 people.