Grants for improving municipial services in Kosovo
Published: May 26, 2021 Reading time: 4 minutes Share: Share an articlePeople in Need is continuing with its small grants schemes for communities in Kosovo in the scope of the project Amplifying Local Voices for Equitable Development (ALVED). This grant scheme is supported by the UK Government’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF).

All communities in Kosovo are concerned about the same quality of life issues: employment opportunities for themselves and their family members, the availability of quality services, safety and security, and access to clean air, water, and a natural environment, to name a few. The Covid19 pandemic has exacerbated pre-existing socio-economic vulnerability in Kosovo and the region while simultaneously straining scarce public resources, thereby widening the gap between the needs of citizens and the capacities of authorities to fulfil those needs.
According to a survey commissioned by PIN in 2020 in five Kosovo municipalities, slightly over half (53%) of respondents believe that municipal authorities make enough/some efforts to meet their needs as citizens. Nonetheless, one-third of respondents (33%) state that municipal authorities do not do enough, while 12 percent believe they do not do anything at all to meet their needs. Broken down by community, 39% of Kosovo Serbs believe that municipal authorities make enough/some efforts to meet their needs; that figure is 61% for respondents from the Kosovo Albanian community, and 71% for members of other communities.
Civil society has a vital role to play in acting as agents of change at the local level by raising awareness among both citizens and local authorities of the needs, rights, and service entitlements of all citizens and creating linkages between citizens and local authorities. Those civil society actors operating at the grassroots level have particular insight into the needs of residents at the local level, and to what extent local authorities successfully meet those needs.
With a view to bridging the demand for local services with their availability and delivery, this grant scheme seeks to support local-level initiatives that engage with local residents, particularly those from the Kosovo Serb community, and/or advocate with or support municipal structures in Leposavić/Leposaviq, Pejë/Peć, or Štrpce/Shtërpcë to:
1) enhance residents’ access to municipal services, or
2) improve the quality of municipal services.
This grant scheme complements awareness raising activities targeting local residents as well as capacity building opportunities for grassroots civil society actors taking place in the target municipalities under the auspices of the project, Amplifying Local Voices for Equitable Development - a British government-funded project running from September 2020 through August 2022. By linking citizens’ needs to municipal service planning and delivery through targeted activities and grant funding, this project aims to ensure inclusivity and effectiveness in the delivery of municipal services, thereby improving the lives of all inhabitants of the target municipalities.
For detailed call for application and necessary documents, please follow the links below:
For all questions:
We would like to inform you that PIN is adjusting its intervention scope in order to include more thematic areas. Therefore, after careful consideration of the call and received applications, we have decided not to award any grants under the call issued on 27 May, but to prepare a new and expanded call for applications for civil society organizations in our selected target municipalities in Kosovo.
We invite you to follow closely our channels over the next few months for information on the new call as well as capacity-building workshops intended for all potential applicants.
You are strongly encouraged to consider applying again with proposals adjusted to the new call.
Želimo da vas obavestimo da PIN prilagođava opseg intervencije kako bi obuhvatio više tematskih područja. Zato smo, nakon pažljivog razmatranja poziva i primljenih prijava, odlučili da ne dodelimo nijedan grant po pozivu objavljenom 27. maja, već da pripremimo novi i prošireni poziv za predloge projekata za organizacije civilnog društva u ciljnim opštinama na Kosovu.
Pozivamo vas u narednih par meseci pomno pratite informacije o ovom novom pozivu, kao I o radionicama za izgradnju kapaciteta namenjenim svim potencijalnim aplikantima.
Preporučujemo vam da se ponovo prijavite sa predlozima prilagođenim novom pozivu.
Ne dëshirojmë te ju informojmë se PIN po e përshtat fushëveprimin e ndërhyrjes së tij në mënyrë që të përfshijë më shumë fusha tematike. Prandaj, pas shqyrtimit të kujdesshëm të thirrjes dhe aplikimeve të marra, ne kemi vendosur që të mos japim asnjë grant sipas thirrjes së lëshuar më 27 maj, por të përgatitim një thirrje të re dhe të zgjeruar për aplikim për organizatat e shoqërisë civile në komunat tona të zgjedhura në Kosovë.
Prandaj ju kërkojmë të rrini në pritje të thirrjes së re për aplikim gjatë muajve të ardhshëm, si dhe për punëtoritë për ngritjen e kapaciteteve të destinuara për të gjithë aplikantët e mundshëm.
Ju inkurajojmë fuqishëm të merrni në konsideratë aplikimin përsëri me propozime të përshtatura për thirrjen e re.