From the cinema to the Internet. Watch the films from this year’s One World online at!
Published: Mar 13, 2020 Reading time: 3 minutes Share: Share an articleAlthough we had to interrupt this year’s One World Festival, that hasn’t stopped us. We are moving those films you didn’t have a chance to see at the cinema to virtual space. In cooperation with the online cinema, we will present films from all of the festival categories which were scheduled to be screened on the remaining days of the festival itself.

From Thursday, 12 March to Sunday, 22 March, viewers will be able to watch the accessible films on the web from the comfort of their own homes. On Friday, 13 March, we’ll present the exclusive world premiere of Linda Kallistová Jablonská’s film Doggy Love. The individual films are available to watch online for CZK 59 Kc per film.
Because of the extraordinary measures implemented by the Czech National Security Council, we had to cancel almost two hundred screenings which were scheduled to run through Saturday, 14 March. “We regret that the rest of the festival could not continue through to the end, but we are nevertheless glad that the filmmakers have accommodated us, and now, thanks to our collaboration with DAFilms we can offer viewers the remaining films online. We will try to prepare as many films that are available for this type of distribution as possible for our viewers,” says One World’s director Ondřej Kamenický.
“The current restriction of cultural activities is unpleasant for those who organise public events, filmmakers, and for the viewers themselves. We are glad that, despite all of these restrictions, we are able to offer current films to the general public for viewing in the comfort of heir own homes, enriched by the films from the One Word Festival, whose dramaturgy has long reflected what is happening in the world,” adds Diana Tabakov, the executive director of DAFilms.
The films that have thus far been confirmed include Honeyland, the film about the Macedonian beekeeper Hatidze, which opened this year’s festival, and the Oscar-nominated documentary For Sama, which records the harsh wartime reality of Aleppo, Syria, and was made to serve as a testimony for the filmmaker’s daughter. Both documentaries will be distributed in the Czech Republic by Artcam Films. Viewers can also look forward to films that had not yet been screened at the festival prior to its interruption. These include the documentary The Happiest Man on Earth — this Finnish film with an ironic title shows the overworked and frustrated men that also live in a country of emancipated and self-confident women. The time-lapse documentary Ninosca captures forty years in the life of a Nicaraguan woman who decides to stand up to her violent husband and a machismo culture. The German film Progress in the Valley of the People Who Don’t Know takes viewers to a remote corner of Saxony, where, during an integration course held in the building of a failed factory, former employees meet Syrian refugees who until recently had been living in the dilapidated building. What if there were an effective weapon for the battle against malaria that anyone could simply grow in their garden? The documentary The Fever explores specifically this question.
Other films will continue to be added! Watch for more information on the website, and on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages to make sure you don’t miss anything.