EU and PIN launch “A Glimpse of Hope” Online Contest to share positivity despite pandemic challenges in Cambodia

Published: Aug 12, 2021 Reading time: 3 minutes
EU and PIN launch “A Glimpse of Hope” Online Contest to share positivity despite pandemic challenges in Cambodia
© Photo: pin

With funding from the European Union, People In Need (PIN) in Cambodia has launched an online photo contest, as part of the COVID-19 Awareness Campaign under the project “Integrated Urban COVID-19 Response for Urban Poor Settings in Phnom Penh”, which aims to share a “Glimpse of Hope” in spite of the hardships and challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic in Cambodia. 

The COVID-19 Awareness Campaign aims to raise awareness on strengthened knowledge and safety and prevention from COVID-19, most especially in emphasizing the Royal Government of Cambodia’s (RGC) ‘3 Dos and 3 Don’ts’ safety guidelines and measures. In order to reach out to more people during the campaign, an online photo contest was launched to engage with youth in Cambodia. “A Glimpse of Hope” (“ពន្លឺនៃក្តីសង្ឃឹម” in Khmer) is an online photo contest inviting young individuals to share their perspective on how positivity and hopefulness can be captured to shine light through the resilience of people, regardless of the challenges brought by COVID-19.

“The global pandemic has changed the lives of people globally. Though the pandemic continues to challenge many countries, it is important to ensure that people remain positive and look forward to a better and safer future. The youth are very creative and can most definitely share remarkable photo stories through the photo contest, “A Glimpse of Hope”. We are looking forward to seeing many outstanding photo stories and be inspired by the young and creative individuals in Cambodia”, said Mr. Tihamér CZIKA, Chargé d’ Affaires a.i. of the Delegation of the European Union to the Kingdom of Cambodia.

With the ‘new normal’ seen as routines changing, social norms altering, and priorities shifting, the online contest aims to showcase that despite difficulties, there is always hope to look forward to.

“COVID-19 has brought a level of socio-economic disruptions, and has indeed, given an opportunity for everyone to reflect on our lives and the world we live in. We want to encourage young people in Cambodia to put on their creative lenses and tell their powerful stories of positivity, and share a glimpse of hope through captured images”, said Mr. Lukáš Laube, Country Director, People in Need (PIN) Cambodia.

“A Glimpse of Hope” photo contest will be running from 9th August until 23rd August 2021, with three winners to be announced on the 3rd September 2021 on PIN Cambodia’s Facebook page.

The three winning photos will be receiving a set of wonderfully designed merchandise provided by the European Union and People in Need such as, tote bags, t-shirts, notebook and pen, face masks, and hand sanitisers. The winning images will also be featured in PIN’s Global website and social media pages, and as well as project visibility materials.

Stay tuned for these positive and hopeful images submitted by young talented individuals in Cambodia!

The “Integrated Urban COVID-19 Response for Urban Poor Settings in Phnom Penh” project, funded by the European Union, aims to build resilience in poor urban settings in Phnom Penh from the COVID-19 pandemic. The multi-sector project will address the challenges within the sectors of WASH, Social Protection, Livelihoods and Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Children Protection.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Ms. Pok POUN, Press and Information Officer, Delegation of the European Union to the Kingdom of Cambodia, E-mail: Tel. 012 347 716.

Ms. Johanna LEGARTA, Communications Manager, People in Need in Cambodia, Email:  

Autor: PIN

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