EU citizens can vote in the Czech municipal elections

Published: Sep 25, 2018 Reading time: 1 minute

The municipal elections taking place at 5. and 6. October 2018 are drawing near. However, many citizens of EU member countries who are registered in Czech republic don´t know about their right to vote in the elections. According to EU law, this possibility is available for all Union citizens registered for residency in another member country - Czechs, who are registered elsewhere in the EU, can also participate in the municipal elections there.  

EU citizens can vote in the Czech municipal elections
© Photo: Wikimedia commons

EU citizens without a Czech citizenship have one more step to do in order to be able to vote: They have to apply with the municipal authority in their area of residence to be included on the addendum to the permanent electoral roll and prove, that they are registered for permanent or temporary residence in Czechia.

How to do it?

The Consortium of migrant assisting NGOs created a flyer available in several languages, explaining how can EU citizens register for the elections and what they should not forget.
You can download the flyer here:








Author: Adéla Jurečková

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