Empowering lives: The battle against malnutrition in Nalolo District

Published: Nov 30, 2023 Reading time: 3 minutes

In the face of climate challenges and enduring food insecurity in Nalolo District, Zambia, People in Need Zambia (PIN) is helping to encourage transformative change. Through stories of resilience, strength, and gratitude, we see how our assistance improves the lives of the people we serve.

Empowering lives: The battle against malnutrition in Nalolo District
© Photo: Grace Sikanda Namakau

For Namakau Kalaluka, the weight of caring for her grandchild—who had lost her mother—rested heavily on her shoulders. "Losing my daughter was heart-wrenching, but through PIN's assistance, my grandchild is healthier, happier, and full of life." Namakau reflects, emphasising the improvement our support has made in their lives.

Despite the challenges of flooding and poor accessibility, our team provides direct financial assistance to the people of Nalalo District. This financial assistance empowers people in the Nalolo District by giving them the agency to decide and purchase what they need. Our support was shared across 278 households reached through Rural Health Centers (RHCs). 

RHCs are vital to reaching people like Likando Inambao, a resident of Namitondo village, who came into contact at Mukutukutu RHC. When we met, Likando was pregnant, underweight and facing malnutrition. We provided Likando with direct cash assistance to help her get back to full health. Grateful for the support, Likando emphasises:

"The supplement provided by People in Need enabled me to cater to my essential needs, maintain good health, and I am pleading for the continuation of PIN's vital work, not just for me, but so they can help others just like me."

Mushulu Peleko from Mande RHC tells a similar tale. Diagnosed through her child, we provided her with ready-to-use therapeutic food to combat her malnutrition, and our cash assistance allowed her to purchase essential food. 

"PIN's assistance didn't just provide food; it provided hope for a better future for my family. I am grateful for this assistance from People in Need," Mushulu declares.

PIN Zambia remains steadfast in fostering sustainable change, championing resilience, and instilling hope within the heart of Nalalo District. Our commitment is not just a statistical endeavour but a testament to the tangible impact on the lives of those who need it most.

In addressing the issues that plague the people of Nalolo district, we follow a holistic strategy that combines emergency nutrition assistance through the supply of therapeutic supplies in 19 health facilities across the district. We are also building the capacity of health workers and Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) in the Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM) programme. In response to the food insecurity challenges, we provide cash assistance to the most vulnerable households with a malnourished individual present.

In Nalolo District, Western Zambia, our 'Improving Nutrition and Food Security of Communities Affected by Climate Change' project is generously funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. As the year concludes, People in Need Zambia will continue to address the challenges posed by climate volatility and persistent food insecurity and support the people in Western Province.

Author: Grace Sikanda Namakau

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