NEWSLETTER: Emergency, Assistance & Recovery and Reconstruction in Ukraine

Published: May 10, 2024 Reading time: 5 minutes
NEWSLETTER: Emergency, Assistance & Recovery and Reconstruction in Ukraine
© Photo: Alberto Lores

The ongoing war in Ukraine continues to devastate communities. Entire towns and villages have been destroyed by shelling, leaving residents without homes and having to rebuild their lives from scratch. We have been steadfast in meeting the essential needs of the people, providing essentials like water, food, hygiene kits, and financial support. We've contributed to housing repair, shelter provision, fuel delivery, the establishment of new facilities for children, and offered psychosocial assistance. Our efforts extend to long-term recovery initiatives and advocacy at the international level to address the situation in Ukraine. However, the scale of need remains immense. We must redouble our efforts to ensure those affected can live a dignified and secure life.

Newsletter January 2024 - April 2024

We have supported over 132,008 people:

4,361 FSL (Food Security and Livelihoods)

49,702 WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)

21,788 Protection

50,424 Shelter/NFI (Non-Food Items)

1,765 MPCA (Multipurpose Cash Assistance)

3,968 Education

Emergency preparedness and response – supporting locally-led emergency response and strengthening shock responsiveness

- 1,765 persons received multipurpose cash assistance, 199 – received individual protection assistance.

- 609 families received cash-for-rent assistance.

- 18, 910 people received bottled water.

- 771 water tanks were delivered.

- 13 water supply and sewage infrastructures were rehabilitated.

- 5,874 people received emergency shelter kits.

- 19,911 hygiene kits were distributed, and hygiene items for about 3000 people.

- 3,428 households supported with fuel briquettes, 750 – with stoves.

Basic services and rights – provision and support in quality reconstruction

- 3,758 homes damaged by shelling were repaired.

- 1 collective centre was supported by improving living conditions and provision of supplies and equipment.

- 27 bomb shelters were repaired.

- 3 educational institutions were repaired and provided with equipment.

- 5 new Digital Learning Centers were opened.

- 363 children improved their knowledge due to the tutoring program.

- 4,220 people received support from our PSS teams, 4, 413 – through the hotline.

Social cohesion, integration and inclusive governance

- 150 business grants were provided in Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv oblasts. Business literacy training was conducted for the recipients.

- Launched a Recovery and Resilience Unit, to support PIN integrated programming, focusing on green, economic, community recovery, and youth empowerment.

- Continue to work on and improve the PIN's partner network, comprising 100+ CSOs.

- The Civil Society Now Platform pilot was initiated with 7 selected CSOs.


Roundtable discussion on ensuring water supply in Kyiv and Brussels.

An event in the Parliament of the Czech Republic and a public event in the Old Town Square to commemorate the second anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Five international photo exhibitions (Prague and Brussels).

Workshop to launch the consortium on Recovery between PIN-NRC.

Meeting with the Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Head of the Lviv Regional Military Administration, to discuss further close cooperation.

Training for representatives of civil society organisations, social workers, and specialists from organisations working with vulnerable groups of people.


Moderated the panel discussion on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine after the screening of the documentary "20 Days in Mariupol" at One World Film Festival in Brussels

IOM-led event on "evidence-based recovery programming at the local level".

Moderated the panel discussion at Humanitarian Xchange conference.

Ukrainian Aid Leadership Conference.

The collective centre in Vuchkove, Zakarpattia Oblast, which we renovated, has become a shelter for Maryna and her 9-year-old daughter Sofiia. This family came from Kharkiv. At first, they rented a private house. But it was bare: no bathroom, no running water, and they had to heat the house with firewood. When Maryna and Sofiia moved into the cosy collective centre, they felt at home. Little by little, they are building their lives here. Maryna has a job, and Sofiia attends a local school. "I am grateful for creating such conditions for us. I am grateful for your support. You understand us. And I feel at home", – Maryna says. 

Olena and her family escaped from the centre of hell—the city of Mariupol in Donetsk Oblast, which was under constant shelling. Together with her husband and son, they found refuge in Kolomyia in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. The family lost their business and decided to start it again. Olena received a grant from us to develop her enterprise. She opened a fast food corner. With the grant money, Olena plans to buy furniture and equipment and hire an employee: "Financial support is very important. Our savings have been depleted. We need to start somewhere, not just give up. It is also a sort of moral support that you are doing something and that you are important"

Larysa is very excited about the new windows in her apartment. She lives with her husband in long-suffering Saltivka, a district in Kharkiv that has been heavily shelled since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. There have been several explosions in their yard. All the windows in the couple's apartment were blown out. In March, Larysa applied to People in Need to replace the windows. The next month, all the work was completed. This support proved invaluable for pensioners, whose limited resources are primarily allocated towards necessities like food and medicine. 

Iryna has lost her home twice. In 2014, she had to flee from her native Makiivka to another city in the Donbas region. When the full-scale invasion began, the mother and her three children were again in danger: "For two weeks, we were hiding from shelling in the basement of a sports school. It was minus 10 degrees outside, and over a hundred people were gathered in the shelter. We could only find light, communication, or gas by risking our lives," she recalls the nightmare. Having barely escaped the shelling, they travelled all over Ukraine and several European countries in search of a safe place. Eventually, Iryna's family settled in Vinnytsia. We reimburse their rent because we know how difficult it is to start life from scratch without savings or a job.

Autor: People in Need

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