Czech Aid introduces new chimney technology to Mongolia
Published: Sep 25, 2020 Reading time: 3 minutes Share: Share an articleCoupled with some of the harshest winter and air pollution conditions on Earth, living in a “ger” (yurt) in Mongolia’s capital city of Ulaanbaatar can be challenging. In an effort to help reduce air pollution and energy loss, the Embassy of the Czech Republic worked with People In Need INGO and the Economy Energy Khiits Co. Ltd to introduce new, locally produced Czech bokra (chimney) technology to 348 households, also providing carbon monoxide detectors to them, in the 7th khoroo of Songinkharin District in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Globally, according to the United Nations, air pollution is associated with some of the biggest killers of children, such as pneumonia, which is responsible for the deaths of 920,000 children under 5 years of age every year. During the winter months in Mongolia’s capital of Ulaanbaatar, especially in the project’s target district, air pollution levels often rank amongst the top 10 most polluted cities on AirVisual’s air quality map.
The project was funded by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was part of the Czech official development assistance. From the pilot, utilizing Czech know how, People In Need and the prototype developer Economy Energy Khiits, worked to build the bokra locally in partnership with Gan Khiits. The project partners estimate the households now save between 17-40% in fuel costs. These energy savings keep the home warm, allow them to reinvest their saved money into their children’s education, and play a role in reducing air pollution levels.
“As residents of Ulaanbaatar, we remain very concerned about the high levels of air pollutions in Ulaanbaatar, thus we’re very proud to have supported this initiative and play a role in addressing the challenge,” said Czech Ambassador to Mongolia Jiri Brodsky. “Using Czech technology, we were able to provide solutions that reduce air pollution and help Mongolian families save money in the process.”
Solution that benefits both the market and households
J. Ankhbayar, a resident of 7th khoroo, was one of the recipients of the new bokra. According to him, the bokra not only helped save energy costs, but was cleaner than his previous chimney. "The material of the bokra is quite good and we've been using it since last February. Before we installed the bokra, the coal smoke was dark and had a strong smell,” he said
The bokra technology introduced by the project actually filters the smoke and has a tighter seal compared to the average chimney households buy at the market. As a result, the stoves tend to be much cleaner, creating a better living environment inside the home as smoke and smell of coal is removed.
Economy Energy Khiits Co.Ltd in Mongolia that produces bokras in adherence with the European Standard CSN EN 1856, see this project as a way to help families like Ankhbayar’s also expanding their business.
“When the Czech Embassy and People In Need approached us to work on the project, we were proud to lend our expertise in the sector,” said Davaasuren CEO of Gan Khiits. “With approval from the Ulaanbaatar Municipality, this project has helped us bring new bokras to the market. With the winter fast approaching, we are hopeful to sell more bokras and contribute to the reduction of air pollution.”
By working with a local company, like Gan Khiits, People In Need was able to find a solution that benefits both the market and households. “I haven't seen the dark and smelly smoke since we installed it in our home. I enjoy having the bokra very much,” Ankhbayar said.
For more information about the bokras and how to procure them, please contact Gan Khiits Co Ltd on Facebook or by calling their hotline 70182448.