Published: May 6, 2022 Reading time: 3 minutes

People in Need (PIN) is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation providing relief and development assistance worldwide. PIN is committed to providing the best practice and quality of work from its staff, its partner organisations and other associates. People in Need's work is governed by several policies and strategic documents followed by all employees and people who work for us.

Delivery of hygiene kits and blankets to the village of Icerisu in Nurdagi, Gaziantep, Turkiye. Funded internally by SOS Emergency Appeal.
© Photo: Kieran Seager

You can DOWNLOAD the PIN Code of Conduct and Key Policies HERE (English)

the PIN Code of Conduct and Key Policies in Arabic HERE

PIN Code of Conduct

The aim of the PIN Code of Conduct is to provide clear guidance on the standards of behaviour required by all PIN staff. Any unacceptable behaviour breaching this Code may result in disciplinary action, including dismissal. Whilst recognising that laws and cultures differ considerably from one country to another, the Code is based on international legal standards, universal principles of codes of conduct and basic human rights.

PIN Key Policies

The set of Key PIN Policies presents a detailed guide on the most important standing points, which are essential for our work and map our goals and vision.

  • Safeguarding Policy

People in Need (PIN) recognises that especially in situations of poverty, humanitarian crisis and/or conflict, people can be extremely vulnerable. The safety and well-being of vulnerable children and adults who come into contact with PIN is of the utmost importance. PIN acknowledges that it is a fundamental duty to protect all vulnerable people and PIN staff engaged within our programmes and activities from any forms of abuse and exploitation.

  • Anti-Corruption Policy

People in Need (PIN) understands that corruption represents one of the major threats for the credibility of non-governmental, non-profit organizations in the eyes of beneficiaries, donors and the general public. PIN is also aware that corruption might negatively influence the quality of our services. For this reason, PIN does not tolerate corruption. Corruption violates the basic rules of healthy competition and brings results that are neither oriented towards public welfare nor functional. In most countries, corruption is legally punishable.

  • Conflict of Interest Policy

People in Need (PIN) is acutely aware that that any conflicts of interest between PIN employees and the organisation as a whole may negatively influence the organisation’s performance and reputation, as well as lead to corrupt behaviour. The aim of this Policy is to minimise such risks through clear definitions and examples of conflicts of interest and concise descriptions about the standards of conduct and related responsibilities.

  • Child Protection Policy

People in Need (PIN) recognises that in situations of poverty and humanitarian crisis and/or conflict, children can be extremely vulnerable. For this reason, PIN acknowledges that it is a fundamental duty of the NGO to protect children engaged within its programmes and activities from any forms of abuse and exploitation.

  • PSEA (Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) Policy

People in Need (PIN) puts particular stress on the fact that any sexual exploitation and abuse are in violation of PIN’s Code of Conduct and Safeguarding Policy. PIN does not tolerate any form of sexual exploitation and abuse. This includes bullying or any range of non-sexual abuses of power perpetrated by PIN staff and partners against any individual regardless of age, gender, sexuality, disability, religion or ethnic origin. PIN commits to do all that is necessary in order to prevent its programmes from engaging in sexual abuse or exploitation caused by PIN staff or partners against beneficiaries and members of the community.

  • Whistleblowing Policy

People in Need (PIN) appreciates the important duty to report any known or suspected cases of abuse, exploitation, harassment or other forms of unacceptable behaviour as they are in direct breach of the PIN Code of Code of Conduct and Key Policies. PIN also acknowledges the duty to investigate any complaint or concern raised by PIN employees through the channels described in the Whistleblowing Policy.

If you have any feedback or suggestions regarding these guidelines, please email them to our colleagues at

Author: PIN

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