1Planet4All: Get Involved in Climate Action
Published: Sep 24, 2020 Reading time: 3 minutes Share: Share an articleClimate change is one of the biggest challenges of our times. More and more often, regardless of the place we live in, we can observe its signs. Extreme weather events like heat waves, heavy rains, droughts, floods and fires represent only some of the problems we must currently face. Developing countries are hit hardest; their climatic contribution is rather negligible but at the same time they are the least able to deal with its consequences. Local signs of climate change affect access to food and drinking water, worsen the health condition of the population, cause mass displacement and generally deepen global poverty.

The acceleration of climate change is unprecedented and clearly results from human activity. Therefore, the solutions to fight climate change are in our hands. It is necessary to implement appropriate mitigation actions as soon as possible and at all possible levels. Climate change will keep affecting our lives in the future, therefore, the young generation has to understand its causes and consequences and think of possible solutions. It is the young generation who should actively assume responsibility for a sustainable future for all of us.
People in Need, Climate Change and Environmental Protection
People in Need has been dealing with the topic of climate change and landscape protection for a long time through its foreign projects. “It is our moral obligation to help the poorest people adapt to the impacts of climate change. It is also one of the most effective ways to fight against poverty, prevent mass displacement, and ensure sustainable livelihoods as well as a fair-minded global society. However, at the same time, it is necessary for societies in developed countries to have sufficient relevant information and understand the full context,“ says Kateřina Gabrielová, the 1Planet4All project coordinator.
The project 1Planet4All is one of the initiatives to raise awareness of climate change among young people in Czechia. It aims to improve their understanding of the whole problem and motivate them to get involved in climate change action. The project will provide long-term methodological support for educators to empower their students to develop active citizenship and take part in climate education. Students and young people will be given the opportunity to get actively involved in various activities, like workshops, debates with experts, campaigns, and preparing their own projects. “Through cooperation with media, influencers, and various artists we would like to introduce this topic to the lay public and show that each one of us can contribute to the solution, and that our future may not be as dark as it is nowadays often presented,“ adds Gabrielová.
1Planet4All – About the Project
1Planet4All is an ongoing international project in 11 European countries, including the Czech Republic. The project aims to raise awareness of climate change among young people- its causes and impacts on us as well as on those living in developing countries. It also focuses on possible solutions and the necessity to assume personal responsibility for a sustainable future.
The project is supported by EU funds and the EU DEAR programme (Development Education and Awareness Raising) whose goal is to motivate young people to address global issues and challenges the world has to tackle.
DEAR program
The European Commission´s Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme, DEAR, supports projects that engage the European Union public in worldwide issues of social, economic and environmental development.
By funding projects like 1Planet4All, the DEAR programme promotes universal values of liberty, democracy and the rule of law. Furthermore, it enables the European public to make positive contributions to global development.
The DEAR Programme funds up to 30 projects that span the EU Member States. These projects contribute to raising the European public´s understanding of social and global issues and support active engagement in solutions at the local as well as the international level.
The DEAR Programme promotes the support of the EU and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in order to abate poverty, protect our planet and ensure prosperity for all by 2030.