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Mongolia Household Economy Assesment ENG

Mongolia Household Economy Assesment MNG

Indebtedness and its Link to Vulnerability during Dzud Episode amongst Vulnerable Households

Mongolian herding families are fully dependent on just two sources of income, both highly seasonal: from sale of cashmere (spring) and meat and animal products (summer and autumn). For the rest of...

Public Needs Assesment Report

Mongolia has one of the harshest climates in the world, characterized by a very brief warm season lasting about 2 months, and a long winter with temperatures reaching down to below -50°C. At...

Using Documentary and Audiovisual Materials in Education

PIN Mongolia

This handbook, developed for Mongolian schools, provides teachers with practical guidance on how to effectively use documentary and audio video materials for raising students’ awareness of...

Market research report on sheep wool building insulation

PIN Mongolia

This report presents findings of a market survey aiming to assist private sector stakeholders with introducing eco-friendly sheep wool building insulation to the Mongolian market.

Energy Audits Of Chosen Typical Buildings In Mongolia


This report presents the enormous energy saving potential of simple and reasonably priced efficiency measures proposed for the most common types of buildings in Mongolia. The survey was conducted...